Title of contribution:

How to Clear Your Blocks, Heal Your Core Wound and Experience Light, Love, Joy and Harmony

Where & when:


Thursday, 24th May

Project: How to Clear Your Blocks, Heal Your Core Wound and Experience Light, Love, Joy and Harmony

We’re all born connected, but now we are all disconnected. What does that mean? It means we’re still hanging onto our early emotional wounding. We’re still being defined and unconsciously driven by these wounds. We’re still the slaves of these wounds. Our health and
relationships are affected. No matter how much work we’ve done on ourselves, most likely the wounding is still there. But what if there’s a really cool way to clear our old blocks and permanently heal our wound? It took me 35 years of spiritual practice to find the way. I show you how it only takes a couple of hours. This workshop is about how we experience energy in either of two ways: being connected or disconnected. When we are fully connected, we can easily release the blocks that we created through being disconnected. When we surrender, release and let go, we experience a huge expansion in consciousness. We all need to experience this Quantum Shift in consciousness in order to survive and transcend to our next stage.

About Michael Wolff:

Michael Wolff is a Quantum Shift Facilitator Trainer, Social Entrepreneur, Author. He is creating the “Google” of the Age of Consciousness. His primary purpose is to help trigger the QUANTUM SHIFT in individual and collective consciousness by 2022. The healing of our Core Wound is a prerequisite to paving the way for humanity to collectively implement the systemic social changes required to avoid the existential threat of irreversible climate change and sustain the transcendence of humanity.

Website: http://www.freedomwithin.org

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