The Thoughts Captured at IEC 2023

Dear IEC Friends,

A tradition at this point, throughout the entire week of IEC we had two professional integrally informed visual facilitators next to our main stage, Mathias Weitbrecht and Réka Livits

Click the image to zoom into details.

They applied the live, real-time scribing technology that involves listening, process mapping, emergence, pattern recognition, facilitator neutrality, and of course some drawing skills. In a subtle way as a reflection surface for all participants.

The end result is the large inner topography of the large inner topography conference. Very meta if you think about it.

Each area between the blue lines is a day, with the highlights of that given day’s main stage content.

It fed the stage content as well as interpersonal emergence back into the individual and collect subconscious. Content snippets from one day might merge with what is just happening and heard in another day. An integrally informed Graphic Recording was delivered at all IEC events since 2014, on site or online. Firstly, contributes to the participant experience in real-time. As well as serving as a valuable part of the post-event documentation.

And if you want to also see what the notes were taken of, you can go straight to the source material, watch the keynotes yourself by opting in for one of our Media Packages. Apart from the main stage keynotes, you also get to listen to all of the presentations that happened in the small rooms before lunch:

Mathias Weitbrecht


He is a global pioneer in the field of visual facilitation. Since 2005 he has developed business models & teams – always aligned with a strong purpose and combining his work with his integral training (since 2002).

For transformational projects he provides value that needs no learning curve, has no time-delay & works across cultures. He is especially skilled in revealing the intangible, more subtle/energetic realities as they appear at IEC. Mathias has traveled around 80 countries and works globally.

Founder and CEO of Visual Facilitators GmbH with a team of 35 visual strategists, graphic recorders, facilitators: He has supported world-class meetings and events. The art of doing this is not only about aesthetics, but also about complexity in its web of related topics, problems & solutions. He sees his ability to oversee huge amounts of information as well as small details and inherent patterns is a gift to the world, as an integral application.

Réka Livits


I support organisations and individuals to cope with the challenges of complexity. And communicate the essence of their work and to increase their impact by the catalysing power of visual thinking. As a graphic recorder I capture the essence of a talk, an event or a group process through real time, live drawing.

As a visual facilitator, I support teams to implement visual tools for better collaboration and communication. I offer training and workshops on visual facilitation. As a visual coach, I support the development and growth process of teams and individuals. 

I have worked for more than 10 years as a trainer, mentor and coach in a very green association. The focus of my work there has been to support young adults on the path of finding their authentic vocation. Together with my team, we have created several workbooks, manuals and educational tools to guide those in transition. We have been building amongst others on integral theory, Theory U and nature-based process work.

Based on this experience, during the past 5 years I have been developing Selves. A coaching card set built on spiral dynamics and enneagram, that helps people deal with inner conflict and decision-making in the pivotal moments of life. I am excited to share this card set and method during IEC.

You also have the option to download all recorded material from IEC. This includes videos of our keynotes, and the audio of over 100 recorded presentations, however, it excludes 60 experiential workshops and the all-community big event.

If you came to IEC in person, you can also visit rooms via the recordings that you otherwise couldn’t. 

With Love

The IEC Team

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