The Big Community Constellation on IEC 2018, part #3 – by Diana Claire Douglas

Harvesting the All Community International Constellation Process


Before the Conference: Preparations for the Big Community Constellation (BCC)

blog #3 by Diana Claire Douglas

To see an introduction to the All Community International Constellation Process read Blog #1

I was definitely both excited and anxious for my first planning meeting call with Bence, Barbara and Peter, at the end of March 2018. After introducing ourselves to each other we had a lively conversation on the theme for the upcoming BCC. We all felt this would be a rare chance to enhance peace during these turbulent times, as we seemed to be on the edge of another cold war. We asked ourselves many questions: How does enhancing peace in Europe fit with the title of the conference, “Allies of Evolution?” Can there be evolution without peace? What is peace today, if it is not only the end of war? Barbara sees peace as unity in diversity, opposing the centralizing process in Europe. Bence brought into the conversation the meanings for peace at the different levels of the spiral (SDi). (1) We wondered how can we move towards unity and community for a safer future?

We also discussed what we meant by Europe. We did not want this SCW to be about the European Union as a political entity. Bence and Peter, both from Hungary, pointed out that there are different notions of what Europe is. The western perception is that there is Western Europe and Eastern Europe based on the history of the Iron Curtain. For those who live in Central Europe, this is its own region and in the middle of West and East and needs to be acknowledged.

Designing the BCC: Two Systemic Constellations

I offered to facilitate on-line constellations (SCW) (2) as a design tool for the BCC. It was a way to make design choices based on information that came from the Field, using our whole body/minds. And we could do this on-line based in several locations: Hungary, Germany and Canada. This was a new way of co-creating for the team.

We did two on-line constellations: the first was to choose the right wording for the title of the theme which became Restoring Peace in Europe: moving towards unity after the constellation. The second was to choose which elements would be named and represented in the BCC. This process took more than one session. We ended up with 48 elements in categories: Gaia, Spirits of Peace and of War, Soul of Europe, Love; the People from the European Regions, the People from the Continents, Supportive Energies, Adverse Energies, and Group Energies.

Final image for SCW on “Finding the Theme.”

We also held further meetings on-line and at the conference hotel to consciously set the structure for the evening. We clarified our roles and agreed to tasks beyond our group meetings. This included Peter choosing and preparing a team of helpers who prepared the set up for the room, held space during the constellation, brought water to representatives, and assisted in healing movements when needed. Bence, Barbara and Peter would be facilitators who moved inside the Field and I would hold sacred space along with my team of Conscious Witnesses.(3)

We also consulted with two spiritual guides to give us additional information.

Music is integral to the BCC. Peter and Bence have gathered an amazing playlist so they can easily choose the perfect music for following the crowd mind state. I wish had had the playlist!

As Bence said about the preparation processes: “It was a continuous creative process as we needed to keep some ideas and drop others. We were purposeful and intuitive as well. It was a beautiful process! It was very powerful, connected and in the flow. And it also needed a lot of work.”

(1) SDi Spiral Dynamics Integral, a mapping of the evolution of human consciousness begun by Clare Graves and expanded by Don Beck. With the use of Ken Wilber’s All Quadrants/All Levels/All Lines model there is a user-friendly methodology for integrating Spiral Dynamics into personal, organizational, and societal operations.

(2) Diana Claire has developed a way of doing on-line constellations via ZOOM with multiple people in multiple locations each using a “clock” diagram as the symbol for and map of the Field. Each person puts the markers for representatives on their own clock so that everyone participating in the constellation is working on the same map.

(3) Blog #5 is on the Conscious Witnesses.

Next Blog #4: On Representing in the BCC

For readers who wish to know about the on-line constellations, click here to the report.

Diana Claire Douglas: is a systemic facilitator (family, organizational, and societal issues), social architect, artist, and writer. From Canada, she is on the international core teams of The Hague Centre for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC) and Integral City, where systemic design processes are used regularly for decision-making, designing creative projects, and team building, as well as co-presenting workshops and retreats including at conferences internationally. She has co-authored chapters on Systemic Constellation Work published in two books.

Thank you to the wonderful facilitation team for including me! And thank you to all participants who engaged with this process so fully! May this serve restoring peace in Europe.

 Content on this blog is licensed under the Creative Commons License which allows for non-commercial redistribution, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to Diana Claire Douglas. 




MAY 24

14:00 – 15:00 Opening circle and meeting each other 15:00 –  15:30 Thought Leader Key Speech 15:30 – 16:00 Break 16:00 – 18:00 Afternoon process 18:00 Suggested Program: Have dinner with community, socialize, enjoy the spa and the garden together.


MAY 25

9:00 – 12:30 Big Circle

  1. Opening and encounter
  2. Thought Leader Key Speech and sharing
  3. Coffee Break
  4. Open Space Process – offering and choosing workshops, discussions, presentations.

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and rest 14:00 – 17:00 Open Space (breakout groups) 17:00 – 18:00 Big Circle (harvesting) 18:00 Suggested Program: Have dinner with community, socialize, enjoy the spa and the garden together.


MAY 26

9:00 – 12:30 Big Circle

  1. Opening and encounter
  2. Thought Leader Key Speech and sharing
  3. Coffee Break
  4. Open Space Process – offering and choosing workshops, discussions, presentations.

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch and rest 13:30 – 16:00 Open Space (break out groups) 16:00 – 17:00 Big Circle  (harvesting and closing)

With Love, The IEC team

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