In Finding Radical Wholeness Wilber describes Waking Up as foundational – a truly Big Wholeness. It provides a “baseline position for those who want a deep, extensive, and even absolute experience of Wholeness.”
We will explore the role of the guru in this foundational domain of Waking Up, considering questions like:
Has the guru-function diminished in significance – perhaps even become obsolete – for us, self-actualized, cognizant individuals at postmodern and integral stages of development, or should we still consider it to be the beating heart of the spiritual path, just as the wisdom traditions have regarded it? Or… could there perhaps be some truth to both perspectives?
For many, it has become clear that the traditional guru model, as it was conceived thousands of years ago, is no longer viable in today’s world. So how can it be transformed? What are some of the understandings that have emerged from the integral space about how the guru-principle needs to evolve? What challenges must we overcome to grow into a truly integral version of Guru Yoga – one that fully embraces the evolutionary contributions of the present age?