Psychedelic integration and planetary awakening
How can psychedelics truly serve lasting planetary awakening? In the last decade we could observe a resurgence, increase in popularity and even hype around psychedelics as tools for healing, personal development and numinous experiences. Even Netflix has made a 4-part documentary on them. However, with the hype there is also a growing critique of what […]
‘A place for us’ – integral education
We would like to share our journey of co-creating and delivering ‘A place for us’, an integral education two -year programme for rurally marginalized young people based in both Meerut, UP, India (teenage children of the poor farm laboring class, experiencing abject poverty) and Cahersiveen Co. Kerry, Ireland (local Irish teenagers coming from homes where […]
Understanding the World Soul with Integral Theory
I have been pursuing a triple epistemological path during the last 20 years: the first path relates to Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy; the second path has been to renew my understanding of Anthroposophy through Integral Theory; the third one has to do with the epistemology of qualitative research methods. One of the ways that I have […]
The contribution of integral theory
HOW CAN THE INTEGRAL WORLDVIEW HELP TO DEAL WITH THE ENORMOUS PROBLEMS ON THIS PLANET? I. To understand what is going on in terms of the colors Understanding helps to not going under, not becoming over whelmed One can stand under problems, stay grounded on the earth, that is what understanding is about II. To […]
Transcending Purpose: Purposeless Meaning in Life
Novel research explored how two essential aspects of human experience relate to each other: (a) one’s stage of psychosocial maturity (operationalized through integral ego development stages), and (b) one’s conception and experience of meaning in their life. The study suggests that adults at postconventional stages of ego development experience and conceive of meaning-in-life in a […]
AI meets personal development
The Human Organisation
We present our research and work experience that is just about to be published in the book: “The Human Organisation” in spring 2023. To the audience of IEC, we will speak about following themes: – Introduction into our work – Overview of the four industralisations in order to understand where we come frome, where we […]
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]
Purpose as Evolutionary (and Involutionary) Driver
Finding and living Purpose is an essential task as we face the global metacrises. We must hasten an evolved humanity who can grasp the crises, discern our role on the global response team, and become wise and resilient enough to create solutions. Humans are evolutionary beings, always birthing another version when equipped to accomplish developmental […]
Catalyzing Coherence as a Movement of Movements
As thousands of societal movements around the world increasingly recognize their interdependence and attempt to cooperate, how can Integral consciousness become a force of coherence and collaborative, movement-based action? Let’s explore how large societal movements like the environmental movement, the human rights movement, the social justice movement, economic reform movements, and the international peace movement […]