Beyond the Mind – an Integral Transpersonal vision
This workshop covers both the theory and practices of Biotransenergetics (BTE). We’ll learn, among others, the Passage from the Zero, the Persistency of the Contact and the Mastery of the Transe. Transe is that state or field that allows the individual to have a felt sense of direct contact with the Self, our true nature […]
Relating with Intimacy, Maturity, and Wholeness
What if tensions in relationship are invitations into a greater wholeness and degree of intimacy with self, other, and life itself, rather than a problem to be resolved? “We may have this conflict because we need to recover our truer complexity.” – Robert Kegan In this workshop, we’ll practice in real time with relational tensions. […]
Accelerating the Integral City in VUCA Times
If Integralists nested together in the same city, could we accelerate the emergence of the Integral City? Let’s conduct a little experiment to discern how to amplify our Integral contributions for and with each of the four integral voices of the city: citizens, civil society, business and public institutions. Whatever your Integral work, paid or […]
Seeds of wisdom
When you join us in this workshop, you bring your culture, your roots, your knowledge and experiences and all your unique qualities. We follow the core idea of integral theory and life here, to collect and spread all the treasures that human existence can offer: good energies, elevating ideas, positive emotions, joyous feelings, open-hearted attitudes, […]