Integral Wizard presents: “A Chain of Portals to the Self”
Integral Wizard was literally born from love found in hell and could be seen as the unitive counterbalancing force of duality.
The Chain of Portals contains the following with increasing amount of detail:
- The Truth (0): high causal beacon of clarity/ Source Knowledge/ “no-context”.
- The Imaginary (∞i ): low causal open-ended context for the blossoming human(ity);
- The 8D (-1 | 1): a subtle multidimensional approach using the fuel of the physical realm – “Food is/as the Guru”.
These models stand separately but are part of the whole, connected through the unified formula: 0 => ∞i = √(-1) | 1 “Nothingness (0) is the womb from which infinite (∞) imagination (i) springs from as root (√) of the subtle realm (-1) projected as physical (1)”
This covers the full spectrum of reality and allows us to condense, simplify and ground the open-ended integral thinking, making it more accessible and safer for the broader community. 💜🙏