When you join us in this workshop, you bring your culture, your roots, your knowledge and experiences and all your unique qualities. We follow the core idea of integral theory and life here, to collect and spread all the treasures that human existence can offer: good energies, elevating ideas, positive emotions, joyous feelings, open-hearted attitudes, clear thoughts, deep reflections.
Of course, a small workshop is not enough for an extensive collection. Instead, we aim for an intensive collection: any goods that you may have inside in the here and now. Just live and share them: the wisdom of body, the wisdom of heart and the wisdom of mind.. Spread these seeds into the noetic field. We invite you to join us in the presence of love, joy, care, inner peace, and gratefulness.
In this workshop you will find creative visualization, guided meditation, bodywork and free dance. It is enough to express yourself by your presence, but of course we will be glad if you share your truth, beauty and good in other ways as well.