We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business

If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being:  workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]

10,000 Peaceful Warriors

As integral practitioners, we know that who we are is every bit as important as what we do and how we do it.  For this reason, integrating embodied presence within our professional practice is vital.  Yet how much of our awareness is encoded into our physical being?  Are we fully ready to put ourselves on […]

Essentials of Integral Politics

This presentation makes the point for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness. Why? Politics as we know it is outdated. It lacks the tools, the operating system and the vision to address the challenges humanity is facing at the necessary speed and with the right priorities today. Its very “operating system”, […]

Exploring Integral Coherence

This presentation argues that in order to uplevel the collective capacity of social change agents for transforming a metacrisis into a metamorphosis, we need to practice field intelligence that enhances and generates more coherence within and across networks and systems. It presents questions and insights from an ongoing European action research project which explores the […]

10,000 Peaceful Warriors – an embodied action team

Who will be at the forefront of the human response to the metacrisis? Well, us, of course… provided that we are fully present; that we act from love, awareness and perspective; and that we have trained rigorously. “In times of crisis we don’t rise to the level of our potential, we sink to the level […]

From Sucess to Significance – Integral Leadership

The world is at a tipping point. It is burning in so many ways – ecologically, economically, societally, spiritually etc. – and is becoming more and more polarized. Thus being able to tip in any direction at any point. We are in need of a new style of leadership which can tackle the challenges we […]

Updating, Widening & Transcending our “Reality Box”

Our “conveyor belt,” hopefully, is gently pulling us to our next developmental level or reality box. However, it can sometimes slow down or even freeze. To counter this, Dr. Carr facilitates focusing on developing new ways of cognizing, accessing different areas of the brain, integrating the primitive & involuntary, sensing the future & one’s future […]

Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next

Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]

Make Clear Decisions

After a decade of EcoVillage crusading, I have returned to the basics of a life well-lived. RecognizIng the neurotic mix of angst and ambition inherent in the proclivity to understand and address the meta-crisis humanity faces, I invite us to let go of the sometimes self-sacrificing and sometimes self-aggrandizing aspects of this endeavor and simply […]

Acting out of spiritual identities’ abundance

Spiritual, spiritual but not religious, multi-religious, trans-religious. What does the increasing abundance of identities demand from individuals, teachers, facilitators and settings to invite awakening? If we desire a more light-filled world, with more people awakened to their potential and generously distributing their gold, then diversity of religious and/or spiritual identities should consciously have room. An […]

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