Systemic Map Journey

IEC Conference: 2025

This workshop is a Coaching practice. Participants are paired and take each other on a journey through the quadrants.

Intrinsic Purpose is to introduce 4 key developmental areas that increases leadership maturity. It gives participants an opportunity to expand their internal map of representation of each domain and helps them inquire and explore where they are at in each domain and reflect on where they would like to be, who they would like to become.

Extrinsic Purpose is a tool to use with individuals or teams. It is an activity which two people coach and guide each other through a reflective journey to expand mental landscapes of meanings, thoughts and aspirations in four vital areas. It brings to the conscious mind what may be hidden in the unconscious by searching for answers to questions you may not have asked yourself yet. It provides you with an opportunity to enhance or practice your coaching skills by holding the space for another. To listen, explore, understand and coach peers on their current awareness of each domain. At the same time it also allows you to connect with yourself and intentionalise the importance of self-development and your responsibility for personal growth so that you can best serve yourself, your environment, your community, society and the organization you work for, in the role you hold.

The 4 Domains:

  • Self-Mastery (UL)
  • Relational Mastery (LL)
  • Leadership Development (UR)
  • Systemic Integration (LR)

The 4 levels of Leadership Maturity:

  • Self-Awareness Maturity (1st perspective)
    • Cognitive Maturity to reflect on thinking strategies and styles, for the sake of deeper understanding.
    • Mindset Maturity to identify your models of the world and diverse value systems.
    • Curiosity Maturity to inquire about self rather than defend your ego-self.
    • Mindful Leadership, being fully present.
    • Being true to personal values and leading with mindful values
  • Relational Maturity (2nd Perspective)
    • Emotional maturity to manage own emotions and understand other’s.
    • Perceptive Maturity to become more perceptive of internal and external environments.
    • Holding space for psychological safety – Nourishing others with care and respect.
    • Empowering others to shine.
  • Leadership Maturity (3rd Perspective)
    • Balancing impulse control and courageous decision making
    • Intentional leadership- articulating the talk you want to walk
    • Role modelling behaviours – walking the talk
    • Inspiring the vison and engaging the hearts of others.
    • Taking 200% Accountability.
  • Systemic Maturity (4th Perspective)
    • Wisdom maturity- making wiser decisions for all an emerging world.
    • Visionary Maturity – creating future fit strategies.
    • Strategic Maturity- Ability to see the connections that hold the dots in place.
    • Perspective Maturity- ability to hold multi perspectives at same time.
    • Inclusivity Maturity – leading in a diverse world of tomorrow.
    • Learning Maturity- Cultivating a beginner’s mind and increase your pace of learning.

The Journey process:

Engage in a reflective conversational journey by paring up with someone, agreeing who will be the first Coach. The Coach facilitates 4 conversations as you walk in a circle around the room passing through each domain in each corner of the room.

When you complete the journey you will receive a message from your unconscious mind. You will be supported in a group of 8-10 people. You can choose to share your message or keep it to yourself. You will be stepping on a 4Q infinity map, asking yourself where you are, in the present stage of your life, for each Domain, where do you want to reach and what you need to do, to get there. Then 1 minute in silence to allow your deeper self to reveal a message for you!

The Journey Conversation:

Step 1:

Expanding your Landscape on each Domain:

  • What does each domain represent in your life?
  • What meanings, beliefs, thoughts, aspirations do you hold?

Step 2: 

Anchoring Powerful States for each Domain:

  • Create a personal mind-body-emotional state for each Domain
  • Install powerful and resourceful meanings, beliefs and frames.
  • Create a personal matrix which can be embodied experientially.
  • Anchor this matrix by associating visual, auditory, physiological and sensory based qualities.
  • Access strong, empowering and meaningful states that you can recall at any time you want, to fully embody these domains. 

Step 3:

Witnessing – Objectively observe your current level of maturity at each Domain:

  • With self-compassion and objective curiosity, looking ‘as’ yourself, recognise that you have these incredible 4 ways of being and seeing the world.
  • Openly and calmly, accept that these four capacities exist in your being.

Step 4:


  • With self-compassion and objective curiosity, looking ‘at’ yourself, gain a non-judgemental, calm and objective view of where you are in the present moment.
  • Take a deeper self-inquiry to determine, “Who am I here?”
  • Travel through all 4 Domains with this personal inquiry.
  • With a calm and equanimous mind, lovingly accept where you are, right now in these four areas of your life

Step 5:

Desired Outcome

  • Where do you want to be in each area of these domains?
  • What are your aspirations, hopes and dreams?
  • What is your potential for each area?
  • What do you want for yourself in each of these domains?
  • Who do you want to become?

Step 6: 

The hidden instinctual inner voice

  • As you reflect on this journey, in these 4 areas of your life, asking your unconsciousness mind to bring to your awareness, your deepest congruent and authentic truth.
  • What is your authentic truth?
  • As you listen with self-love and compassion, what is your inner voice asking you? What do you see, feel and hear?
  • What is the message you receive regarding each domain in your life?
  • What do you realise now?

Step 7: 

The Message of Integration

  • How will you connect and integrate all these Domains in your life?
  • In all the areas of your life, home, work and in all the roles you serve, how would you like to integrate and connect?
  • What behaviours, rituals, actions, thoughts, emotions, will you need to start?
  • What meanings will enrich your landscape?
  • What shifts will you make to integrate these four domains?
  • What actions and behaviours will you change?
  • What will you commit to?


South Africa / Fiji

Sandra is the Founder of New Beginnings, an organizational & people development consultancy and training institute. New Beginnings was created in South Africa in 2003. It has developed many unique leadership development and coaching programs that help leaders inspire their people, become passion about their jobs, develop themselves systemically and make meaningful changes.
She developed the ‘Systemic Development Framework’, a highly effective process to implement a strategic focus towards organisational development. It focuses on executives and leadership teams who understand the importance of continuously developing themselves to navigate this volatile and uncertain world of today. This mindset cultivates a desire for collective leadership and a focus on value creation and future-fit purpose.

Although she has been in the people development business for over 22yrs, she wasn’t always on this side of the fence. She has leadership experience in the airline industry. As the head of South African Airways Sales and Voyager operations in 2000, she was responsible for the regional sales teams and an annual revenue target of over ZAR 6 Billion. She joined Cullinan Holdings, a Travel and Tourism Company with brands such as Thompson Holidays, Contiki, etc. She headed Human Resources and Training division. She renamed the ‘HR department’ to People Relations and ‘Training’ to People Development. She set up an entire HR function as well as developed and created an in-house THETA Accredited Training Academy. This gives a good indication to all the many dynamic changes she implemented. She resigned in 2009 to start her own business. In 2016 she developed the ‘Systemic Development’ framework, the model she uses to date, to transform teams and organisations.

She is a Certified ISNS Neuro-Semantics Trainer and Meta-Coach and a EMCC Systemic Team Coach. She was the Pioneer, building a Meta-Coaching community in Mauritius. She trained over 600 people and certified over 45 Meta-Coaches. Today this community is thriving and flourishing on their own and have grown to over 60.

In 2016, her family relocated to Fiji and this move encouraged New Beginnings to go global. The head office remains in Mauritius supported by her team, but has expanded to a collaborative network of over 20 International Coaches. She now considers herself as a global citizen.