Critic, Dreamer, Healer – gathering the Inner Team

IEC Conference: 2025

Enneagram meets Sprial Dynamics on the path to wholeness.

Come along on a playful, yet deep and transformative journey of self-discovery and community building facilitated by the Selves Cards.

Selves is a tool for coaches, trainers, therapists and other professionals dedicated to personal and organisational development. It can be used for individual and team coaching, for community building, constellation work and on journeys of self-discovery.

The system of Selves is founded on 6 levels of spiral dynamics (from purple to yellow) and the 9 character types of enneagram. Each character was born as an intersection of these two systems, therefore unlocking an immense developmental potential.

Selves consist of 54 characters, each of them a familiar persona, some of them archetypical, others are actors of everyday life, and there are even those, who open doors to transcendence. They are there to unlock your hidden potential, to mediate when conflict arises, to reflect on the roles you play and to increase empathy – on the individual level and amongst members of your team.

This workshop offers you a firsthand experience of the system of Selves offered by creator Réka Livits.

FEZLER, Georgina


I am currently a student of Integral Academy, and an entrepreneur working as an artist, trainer, and ontological coach. For my past 10 years in coaching and consulting, I have worked with several people of different ages, gender, sexual orientation, and who lived their life at different paces. I have always focused on what life experiences shape our character, and how learning by doing can change the direction of a life. I have a bachelor’s degree in economics, I have also been working internationally in social media as a strategist. Being a coach and a strategist has a lot in common. We look at ourselves and our environment and try to navigate from A to B. I dedicate my personal and professional life to discovering, and integrating my slow self and invite to this adventure as many people as interested. My method focuses on the areas of mindfulness, balance, simplicity, sustainability, and connection aligned with each of the four quadrants of the AQAL model and integral theory.



I support organisations and individuals to cope with the challenges of complexity, to communicate the essence of their work and to increase their impact by the catalizing power of visual thinking. As a graphic recorder I capture the essence of a talk, an event or a group process through real time, live drawing.

As a visual facilitator, I support teams to implement visual tools for better collaboration and communication. I offer training and workshops on visual facilitation. As a visual coach, I support the development and growth process of teams and individuals.

I have worked for more than 10 years as a trainer, mentor and coach in a very green association. The focus of my work there has been to support young adults on the path of finding their authentic vocation. Together with my team, we have created several workbooks, manuals and educational tools to guide those in transition. We have been building amongst others on integral theory, Theory U and nature-based process work.

Based on this experience, during the past 5 years I have been developing Selves: a coaching card set built on spiral dynamics and enneagram, that help people deal with inner conflict and decision-making in their pivotal moments of life, using inner voices dialogue. I am excited to share this card set and method during IEC.