European Integral Politics in Action
This section is a joint reflection and deepening space for the presentations by Dr. Elke Fein and Prof. Dr. Karen O’Brien, as well as the workshop by Mercedes Andany & team from Integral Politics Switzerland. Our aim is to offer a space for building connection among those of you who feel inspired to roll up […]
Integral Politics: how can we make it happen?
(Abstract to be edited in two weeks) Following Elke Fein, Karen O’Brien and Integral Politics Switzerland presentations, how can we make it happen both in our personal context and in Europe?
Is Human Civilization at Risk?
What will it take to preserve what remains of life on Earth? Is humanity itself at risk? These are the overarching questions the author addresses in this pioneering new book Second Sapiens: The Rise of the Planetary Mind and the Future of Humanity. In it Dawlabani asserts that the current leading intelligence that rules over […]
The Money Taboo- A Somatic Workshop About Survival
This is a mini movement workshop about money, the body and it’s greater meaning in our lives. We will explore and move with the energy of money and our long history to it. How would you describe your dance with money? Fluid, Fiery, Chaotic, Light, Still? What happens inside your body when you meet the […]
Spiral Dynamics View on War, Politics, and Ecology
The Great Obsolescence: A Spiral Dynamics view on Geopolitics, War and Ecology There is an unnerving new order emerging beneath the global chaos. As unlikely as it seems, there is also a unifying common thread behind it all: The decline of Western liberal democracies, the new direction in which the Middle East is moving and […]
The Transformation Economy
The integral movement has extensively explored the internal dynamics of Teal organizations, but little attention has been given to their impact on consumers, products, and services. This presentation demonstrates that the emerging Transformation Economy represents a lower-right quadrant expression directly arising from Teal consciousness. The Transformation Economy marks a new phase in economic evolution, focusing […]
From Sucess to Significance – Integral Leadership
The world is at a tipping point. It is burning in so many ways – ecologically, economically, societally, spiritually etc. – and is becoming more and more polarized. Thus being able to tip in any direction at any point. We are in need of a new style of leadership which can tackle the challenges we […]
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]
Catalyzing Coherence as a Movement of Movements
As thousands of societal movements around the world increasingly recognize their interdependence and attempt to cooperate, how can Integral consciousness become a force of coherence and collaborative, movement-based action? Let’s explore how large societal movements like the environmental movement, the human rights movement, the social justice movement, economic reform movements, and the international peace movement […]
Exploring True Prosperity
The dominant concept of prosperity is based on the illusion of separation, causing us to strive for our personal wellbeing through the accumulation of material wealth, usually to the detriment of our fellow humans and non-humans. Vivian has developed an alternative model of prosperity, which focuses on our true needs and is based on connection […]