European Integral Politics in Action

This section is a joint reflection and deepening space for the presentations by Dr. Elke Fein and Prof. Dr. Karen O’Brien, as well as the workshop by Mercedes Andany & team from Integral Politics Switzerland. Our aim is to offer a space for building connection among those of you who feel inspired to roll up […]

AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis

In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]

Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities

Authentic human live-business  Relationships in  of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth  where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted  and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re  going  in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]

Urbanism & the Integral Lens of Patrick Geddes

Urbanization is one of the great trends in the history of homo-sapiens and planet Earth itself, and by the end of this century some three-quarters of all people are expected to be living in cities. This has potentially profound implications for the evolution of humans and the biosphere. As such, urbanization is a rich topic […]

Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next

Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]

Integral Regeneration

Since the awakening of the 1960s, people and projects around the world have been continuing to practice holistic forms of personal and collective development and new norms of the Interior and Exterior “We”. Currently, we are in a “next level” era of Integral awakening: in the synergy of Web3 leaders living and working with somatic, […]

Awakening to a Planet of Living Cities

This session is an inquiry into how a Unitive Narrative calls us to awaken beyond individuals and organizations into our relationships within and among cities and their ecoregions. We invite you to explore how Living Cities: Earth is creating the conditions for a mycelial web of inter and intra-connections arising when we practise Integral City’s […]

Accelerating the Integral City in VUCA Times

If Integralists nested together in the same city, could we accelerate the emergence of the Integral City? Let’s conduct a little experiment to discern how to amplify our Integral contributions for and with each of the four integral voices of the city: citizens, civil society, business and public institutions. Whatever your Integral work, paid or […]

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