Rewiring the brain by using neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity means that the structure of the brain changes constantly by strengthening or weakening the synaptic connections between neurons. It is also the basis of functioning of memory and learning. It works throughout our lives, although it is most intense before the age of 25. There are chemicals produced in the brain and, to a […]
We-Flow: A Transformative We-Space Experience
“What if We-Spaces held the key to true “Wholeness”? What if we could integrate daily life into each moment, while experiencing meaningful human connection?” Step into We-Flow: an expanded space that empowers you to focus on what matters most, right now! Join our SHOWING-UP Party and experience a playful, transformative workshop. Discover and experiment with […]
The First Company Built With an Integral We-Space
Discover how We-Flow guided the founders of a thriving company through an 18-month transformative journey. Grounded in We-Space principles, this process unlocked employee growth, fostered well-being, and delivered exceptional results. This interactive keynote highlights pivotal moments where We-Flow practices turned challenges into breakthroughs, including: Establishing a culture of psychological safety and collaboration. Integrating individual and […]
AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis
In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]
Finding Wholeness in Education: A Place for Us
This presentation shares our experience of educating from wholeness at our arts and nature-based integral education project for underprivileged children in rural India. A Place for Us integrates physical, emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual dimensions of learning, addressing the whole child within socio-cultural realities. Our programme provides nourishing food, basic literacy and numeracy skills, incorporating […]
Systemic Map Journey
This workshop is a Coaching practice. Participants are paired and take each other on a journey through the quadrants. Intrinsic Purpose is to introduce 4 key developmental areas that increases leadership maturity. It gives participants an opportunity to expand their internal map of representation of each domain and helps them inquire and explore where they […]
We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business
If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being: workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]
10,000 Peaceful Warriors
As integral practitioners, we know that who we are is every bit as important as what we do and how we do it. For this reason, integrating embodied presence within our professional practice is vital. Yet how much of our awareness is encoded into our physical being? Are we fully ready to put ourselves on […]
Essentials of Integral Politics
This presentation makes the point for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness. Why? Politics as we know it is outdated. It lacks the tools, the operating system and the vision to address the challenges humanity is facing at the necessary speed and with the right priorities today. Its very “operating system”, […]
Exploring Integral Coherence
This presentation argues that in order to uplevel the collective capacity of social change agents for transforming a metacrisis into a metamorphosis, we need to practice field intelligence that enhances and generates more coherence within and across networks and systems. It presents questions and insights from an ongoing European action research project which explores the […]