myOS Brain Computer Interface for Meditation
Presentation and group demo of the myOS Brain Computer Interface for Progressive States of Consciousness. This presentation is a 10 min talk and 10 min artistic experience of the myOS neurofeedback meditation paradigm for one or more volunteers as well as for the entire audience. myOS is using measures of brain-activity (multi-channel EEG) and data-visulaizations […]
Next-Stage Organizations: A Transdisciplinary Case
The essence of this transdisciplinary case study was to provide a methodological foundation and method for researching Next-Stage Organizations, as well as to explore the correlation between adult and organizational development and the efficacy of using O’Fallon’s STAGES to assess an organization. Three Founder/CEO’s from Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations completed STAGES assessments. Organizational data was gathered […]
Integral Coaching in the Heart of Organizations
From 2018 to 2019 the German ministry for Education and Research mandated the imu Augsburg GmbH with the project KMUdigital in small and middle-sized manufacturing companies. In this project, we have developed the map “Digital Change” and with the e-learning platform we have designed, implemented and tested a course that enables you to build […]
The Evolution of Planetary Awakening
Planetary views began seeding our developmental perspectives since the 1960’s and have continued to evolve. The screenplay of the post-modern integral version of the planetary awakening is being written right now, as we socially construct each other here, in this field. But what does “planetary awakening” mean in an integral world? This talk will suggest […]
Neuroscience Behind the Stages
In the past few decades scientists have discovered a huge number of new facts regarding to the operation of the nervous system. A lot of them fit well into the upper right quadrant of the AQAL system. Some of these are described in the presentation. On the successive Wilberian levels, new structures appear in the […]