The Entrepreneur’s Journey: An Integral Approach

How do entrepreneurs navigate the complex path from inspiration to global impact? The Entrepreneur’s Journey model, rooted in Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL framework, provides a holistic roadmap that unites self-awareness, team collaboration, product development, and user engagement into a coherent, evolutionary process. This presentation explores how the Integral AQAL model informs entrepreneurial success by integrating […]

Integrating Self, Shadow & System at Synergist

The proportion of executive leaders at Synergist (Strategist/Transforming) seems to have stalled at <10% for almost 3 decades. Yet this level of leadership capacity or consciousness is essential to transcend VUCA and transform our business ecosystems to create a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world. We also understand that embodied leadership capacity at Synergist is […]

European Integral Politics in Action

This section is a joint reflection and deepening space for the presentations by Dr. Elke Fein and Prof. Dr. Karen O’Brien, as well as the workshop by Mercedes Andany & team from Integral Politics Switzerland. Our aim is to offer a space for building connection among those of you who feel inspired to roll up […]

Organization Development Toolbox with AI

Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to organizational development? The missing map between Reinventing Organizations and the flood of project, organization management, and improvement tools is here and supported by AI. In this dynamic session, you’ll learn a comprehensive system to pinpoint your organization’s developmental stage and match it with the most impactful methods—from […]

Beyond Patchworks and Network States

Beyond Patchworks and Network States: Toward Wisdom-Centered Governance As traditional governance structures struggle to keep pace with accelerating complexity, new models are emerging—some rooted in participatory deliberation and integral governance, others leaning toward elite technocratic control or radical decentralization. This presentation will contrast these competing visions by examining Nebulocracy and moral graph technology, not as […]

3 meaning-making capacities to grow consciousness

As human beings, we make meaning of what is happening to us as it is part of our human nature. Meaning-making refers to our personal way of interpreting situations, based on our prior experience, values and beliefs. Our personal meaning-making system shapes our capacity to embrace the world in its complexity, leading us to prioritize […]

Navigating the Thresholds of Transformation

This presentation introduces the “Thresholds of Transformation” Model, a comprehensive framework for guiding individuals, teams and organizations through transformational processes. Grounded in archetypal psychology, systemic thinking, and Integral Theory, the model identifies eight key thresholds individuals encounter when navigating change, from acceptance to responsibility and connection. By integrating insights from the fields of psychotherapy, leadership […]

Adult Development and Growth Lever Coaching

Add developmental coaching to your practice, and scale your impact. Facilitated by Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter, Professor Bruce Alderman, Dr. Tamas Madl and Lily Truong, this workshop is designed for interested practitioners. What you’ll get: Differentiate when to use horizontal vs vertical development coaching via theoretical, technical, & experiential modalities; Get an overview of Leadership Maturity […]

Democratizing Adult Development: A Use of/ for AI

In the age of AI and application of AI, what are the arguments for and against using AI in adult assessment scoring? Situated within an Integral lens, we will take you on a journey to uncover how human-expert scorers are trained, and score adult development assessments (specifically Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter’s Maturity Assessment for Professionals– MAP), […]

How Hidden Source-Holarchies Shape Organizations

Formal structures (LR) do not fully explain how leadership actually emerges in organizations.Social systems naturally generate informal leadership hierarchies (LL), which often remain unconscious but have a profound impact on individual influence, collective decision-making, and team effectiveness. In this keynote, Tobias shares his journey as a systemic constellation facilitator in search of the underlying leadership […]

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