Doletiontherapy,a traumafriendly way of letting go
Doletiontherapy is based on the fact, that every trauma, as little or as big as it is, virtually every experience, has an effect on the epigenicity of our DNA. Which has subsequently an effect on our thinking, on our emotions and on our physical well-being. Studies on transgenerational trauma inheritance show that this is also […]
Let’s flow:inducing flow states with neurofeedback
Flow is a pleasant high-performance state and improves life satisfaction, but few people access it consistently. This workshop will use EEG devices and neurofeedback to help participants enter flow.
Flowing Through Life: Flow in Daily Living
This workshop on “Flow” is designed for individuals within the integral community who are interested in practical techniques to improve their ability to be in the right state at the right time. The workshop will explore the concept of Flow, a state of complete immersion in a task, where time seems to fly by and […]
Neuroscience Behind the Stages
In the past few decades scientists have discovered a huge number of new facts regarding to the operation of the nervous system. A lot of them fit well into the upper right quadrant of the AQAL system. Some of these are described in the presentation. On the successive Wilberian levels, new structures appear in the […]