Body to Body, Heart to Heart

Body to Body, Heart to Heart: Flowing into Wholeness What happens when we step beyond words and meet each other in pure presence? This experiential workshop invites you into a deep, embodied exploration of intimacy, trust, and connection through Integral Flow. Using movement, music, and nonverbal connection exercises, we create a space where the body […]

Opening up to reconnect

Opening up to reconnect – how a perfect seed awakening can perform through calling nourishment and embody itself. We tend to forget if we dont open up to ourselves, we have no basis to open up from. May it be with people or the spirit world or whatever you will turn to, when you will […]


Changing – experiensing what’s happening in a simple meditative exercise. Accepting, denying, reconciling were three basic movements that the great Sufi Gurdejeff worked with. Even in everyday life we are confronted in any relationship with the conflict of being pleased, thus opening up, or being offended thus turning away, feeling like running away, or the […]

Nonviolent Communication – Reimagined

Nonviolent Communication – Reimagined: A Path to Authentic Connection Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a highly practical communication approach. Starting off as a communication method, NVC has shown to be ba developmental practice that transforms not only how we speak and relate, but also how we perceive and integrate our experiences. This session explores NVC through […]

Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy

In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]

Discovering wholeness in addiction care

As a nurse working with people with addictions, I have struggled to find my place in a system focused on crisis and symptom management affecting the individual, friends, family and community. I will share how I discovered wholeness in my work, how this changed my work, relationship with others, and my sense and experience of […]

‘Deabbreviation’ in Digital Communication

In the digital age, rapid communication often compromises warmth and depth in relationships. Abbreviations like “HBD” instead of “Happy Birthday” reflect a trend of emotional detachment. This paper introduces “deabbreviation,” a process for restoring warmth and depth in digital communication. Rather than just expanding abbreviations, deabbreviation aims to infuse messages with emotional presence and genuine […]

RBDSM: Explore yr tender clarity in new connections

Join us in a transformative workshop to create safer spaces where you can authentically express yourself and connect more freely with others. Learn tools to embody your sovereignty in complex relational dynamics by communicating your needs, desires, and boundaries while deeply listening to others. True consent requires clarity—knowing the meaning, context, and potential consequences of […]


I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)

NO MORE DRAMA: Break up with toxic family patterns

Since I was born there was always drama in our family – especially led by my mother, the main figure that raised me since my dad was mostly abroad due to work. Despite I got a lot of love from my mother, I also got emotionally abused by her and I could find myself in […]

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