Active Consciousness Meditation

Active Consciousness Meditation (Ananda Mandala Meditation) is a dynamic practice combining meditation and breathwork to enhance self-awareness, emotional release, and clarity. This 90-minute session guides participants through breathwork and visualization techniques focused on the seven chakras, activating kundalini energy for deep transformation. Participants often experience: Emotional release Inner peace Profound insights Spiritual awakening Beyond relaxation, […]

Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending

Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]

Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy

In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]

Deconcentration in Integral Awareness Meditation

Deconcentration is a powerful contemplative technique first developed in the later period of consciousness research in USSR; it has correlations with both advanced shamatha-like and open-awareness states practiced in major meditative traditions. We have incorporated deconcentration as an essential part of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) as well as a useful tool for Integral Psychotherapy. Deconcentration, […]

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