A Findhorn Alapítvány – egy élő kísérlet

Öt hét “Közösen töltött idő” átalakulhat-e “Közös Teal tér”-ré? Március eleje van, és a Findhorn Alapítvány munkatársai, akik az Európai Integrál Konferenciára (IEC) látogatnak és a  Teal szervezetek szekció részeként fognak majd prezentálni, már nagyon izgatottak. Az elmúlt 53 évben a Findhorn Alapítvány – mely nemzetközi spirituális közösség, oktatási központ és ökofalu is egyben -, […]

New vision for masculinity: calling for an integral journey for men

New vision for masculinity: calling for an integral journey for men G. Steinmauer invites men to stand up with their full masculinity on the 5th of May at the Integral European Conference: An interactive journey through the major stages and roles of masculine development. Participants experience and give voice to each stage from their own […]

Where Patients Matter: Integral Paradigm Shift in European Healthcare?

Teal Healthcare Delivery: bring your insights, skills and experience and help us solve some of our challenges   Zoe Nicholson is co-founder and Chief Executive of Brighton and Hove Integrated Care Service, a not for profit social enterprise delivering healthcare to 1 million people in the UK. Zoe will join us for the second Integral European Conference […]

Erotic Relationships Between Colleagues and Friends presented at IEC 2016

Hilary Bradbury co-authored a book with Bill Torbert called ‘Eros/Power: Love in the Spirit of Inquiry‘ and presents her work at IEC. In this groundbreaking book Hilary Bradbury and Bill Torbert are breaking down taboos and bringing the topic of love and sexuality from the usual “shame on you” frame to the more human level. […]

Can regional integral hubs contribute to reinventing Europe?

The emergent experience of the Southern Catalonia Coevolution Hub Coevolution Hub is an emergent integral community embedded in a regional ecosystem with the purpose to realize the full I-We potential. The hub impacts in key organizations and systems acting as a sensor, connector and change engine. Since the formal kick-off gathering of the Southern Catalonia […]

The Swedish Response to the Refugee Crisis From a Spiral Dynamics Perspective

The Swedish Response to the Refugee Crisis From a Spiral Dynamics Perspective Kristian Stålne PhD, associate professor at Malmö University writes about his contribution: The Swedish response to the refugee crisis is analysed using the Spiral Dynamics model. The analysis gives an overview of the conflict between the blue, orange, and green vMemes. Due to the crisis […]

Emberibb világ a gyerekeknek: az iskolarendszer integrálos meghekkelése

Általános iskolák meghekkelése integrál módszerrel: az integrál elmélet oktatása 9 éveseknek Amikor tanítani kezdtem, naivan úgy képzeltem, hogy az AQAL alapjait egy kilencévesnek is könnyedén el tudom magyarázni. Tudják mit? Nem sikerült. Persze, hogy nem. Ezután taktikát váltottam, mert megértettem, hogy az integrál szemlélet a negyedik osztályos tanterv részeként nem válik a gyerekek hasznára és […]

Human Rights of Refugees in Europe with Integral Theory

Human Rights of Refugees in Europe with Integral Theory   International lawyer, PhD Candidate at the Central European University and former United Nations officer, Magdalena Smieszek presents at the Integral European Conference.    European human rights frameworks embody a collective morality that’s synthesized over generations. Yet, these principles are thrust into a ‘crisis’ when confronted […]

How graduate students apply Integral Theory in a doctoral research program

How graduate students apply Integral Theory in a doctoral research program The Integral model, based on a meta-analysis of past and current interpretations of human development, provides a coherent framework of fundamental perspectives and methodologies. The students in the Integral Theory-based EdD program at the University of Calgary in Canada, face an interesting challenge as […]

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