Towards being fully human – through an integration of African philosophy

Dr. Paddy Pampallis has spent her life committed to finding meaning in the world of human experience. An activist, explorer and seeker at heart, she has spent her working life as an educator, psychologist, coach, supervisor and business woman.

Paddy first came across Wilber’s work, in 1992 when completing a 2-year integrative psychotherapy training post her master’s degree, which covered the work of Freud, through the psychology trajectory to transpersonal psychology, and this birthed her working as an integral practitioner, heading up The (Integral) Coaching Centre (TCC) (2003), and Integral+ Africa Institute (2015). Paddy also visioned The Ubuntu Coaching Foundation™ into being as a nonprofit organization which serves the communities. All have had as a focus, the creation of integrated approaches to learning, development and conscious growth. You can read more about Integral Ubuntu in a previous blog post.

Paddy is one of the first five candidates globally, to receive an academic qualification in executive coaching with Middlesex University (London) (2005).

Her ground-breaking research on the supervision of executive coaches evolved an integrally embodied approach and furthermore, into a unique transformative offering for coach training and leadership development through an integration of African philosophy: the Integral+ Practice™ of Leadership and Coaching, which is rated highly by Susanne Cook-Greuter.

Paddy met Susanne in 2006 when doing the integral leadership training in Denver at the Integral Institute, and since then has invited Susanne to South Africa on a number of occassions to teach the LMF. Paddy now teaches with Susanne, in South Africa and New Zealand, and with Beena Sharma (President of CLM). Paddy is the global Africa partner with The Centre for Leaderhsip Maturity.

Click below for more info about the upcoming European leadership development coach training with Susanne Cook-Greuter and Paddy Pampallis

With love,

The IEC team

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