Deconcentration in Integral Awareness Meditation

IEC Conference: 2025-pending

Deconcentration is a powerful contemplative technique first developed in the later period of consciousness research in USSR; it has correlations with both advanced shamatha-like and open-awareness states practiced in major meditative traditions. We have incorporated deconcentration as an essential part of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) as well as a useful tool for Integral Psychotherapy. Deconcentration, being a reliable method of building expansive spatial and temporal state of awareness, can be used in contemplative development through state-stages, communication skills enhancement, individual and group psychotherapy, subtle-energy work, learning as well as in a wide range of other human activities (from sports to programming). If skillfully applied, it produces continuous flow states with enhanced metacognitive self-awareness. An explanation & experiential exercise will be offered to participants.



Integral psychologist & therapist in private practice. Clinical psychologist by education (St. Petersburg University). Co-founder and teacher of the Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) process. Experienced group work facilitator. Together with Tatyana Parfenova he teaches advanced Integral Awareness courses (which bring together awareness meditations, Adult Development Theory, and Ken Wilber’s AQAL Integral Framework). Member of the Presidium of the Russian Association of Transpersonal Psychology & Psychotherapy (ATPP). Translator of a dozen of books by Ken Wilber to Russian (and a number of other works), which provides him an intimate knowledge of Integral Metatheory. Chief Editor at Eros & Kosmos (—the Russian Integral online journal. Bureau Chief for Russia at Transdisciplinary Leadership Review (ex-Integral Leadership Review).