Evolution from orange-green to teal organizations
Teal models are emerging and proving valuable for the management of complexity and progress towards humanist organizations. In this paper an AQAL analysis applied to Laloux case-research methodology is proposed, as a tool to help evolution. The model has been used in some case studies. The conceptual model compares the most relevant issues that differentiate […]
Foundational work of Clare Graves and Integral
The work of psychologist Clare Graves, a professor at Union College in New York, represented an early contribution to developmental psychology. Ken Wilber has acknowledged the value of Graves’ work as informing different aspects of the AQAL metatheory and its applications. This presentation based on work of a team of scholars with the Graves archives […]
Integral: Change, Communication and Human Niches
‘Change’, when often used in light conversation, is perceived to be a simple process within an organisation. However, change within any organisation is a concept that is complex and multidimensional. In the new world of work, change is so prevalent, organisations facing challenges of communicating transformation awareness to employees, and confirming management skills are at […]
Clare Graves Legacy: Pillars of Integral Thought
The work of psychologist Clare Graves, a professor at Union College in New York, represented an early contribution to developmental psychology. Ken Wilber has acknowledged the value of Graves’ work as informing different aspects of the AQAL metatheory and its applications. This presentation based on work of a team of scholars with the Graves archives […]
Transcending Purpose: Purposeless Meaning in Life
Novel research explored how two essential aspects of human experience relate to each other: (a) one’s stage of psychosocial maturity (operationalized through integral ego development stages), and (b) one’s conception and experience of meaning in their life. The study suggests that adults at postconventional stages of ego development experience and conceive of meaning-in-life in a […]
AI meets personal development
The Human Organisation
We present our research and work experience that is just about to be published in the book: “The Human Organisation” in spring 2023. To the audience of IEC, we will speak about following themes: – Introduction into our work – Overview of the four industralisations in order to understand where we come frome, where we […]
Purpose as Evolutionary (and Involutionary) Driver
Finding and living Purpose is an essential task as we face the global metacrises. We must hasten an evolved humanity who can grasp the crises, discern our role on the global response team, and become wise and resilient enough to create solutions. Humans are evolutionary beings, always birthing another version when equipped to accomplish developmental […]
Summary of research studies on the STAGES model
STAGES is a relatively new developmental model created by Terri O’Fallon, which extends Loevinger’s ego development model and assessment framework. It adds additional stage levels and includes theory of four foundational parameters underpinning all stage transitions, which was inspired by Wilber’s quadrant model. In this presentation we will summarize a number of research studies of, […]
Generation Z From the Inside
With more and more technological and cultural impacts of the online age taking place, we must not forget to transcend and include the youth who grew up in it. How do we relate to integral? How might you best assist us on our growth? How did the internet, social media, technologies impact us? While generationalism can […]