May 26, Friday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

Summary of research studies on the STAGES model

IEC Conference: 2023

STAGES is a relatively new developmental model created by Terri O’Fallon, which extends Loevinger’s ego development model and assessment framework. It adds additional stage levels and includes theory of four foundational parameters underpinning all stage transitions, which was inspired by Wilber’s quadrant model.  In this presentation we will summarize a number of research studies of, and based upon, on the STAGES model that illustrate the models validity and usefulness. These studies include: a validation study showing that STAGES replicates Cook-Greuter’s model in the Subtle Tier; a Rasch analysis and longitudinal analysis showing the psychometric strength of the assessment; a validation study showing inter-rater consistency over the entire range of levels; studies indicating the validity of using alternative sentence stems; and an analysis and critique of the Ogive cutoff model used in most sentence completions tests.


United States

Tom Murray is Director of Research, Innovation, and Partnerships at STAGES International, is Chief Visionary and Instigator at Open Way Solutions LLC, and is a Senior Research Fellow at the UMass School of Computer Science. He is an Associate Editor for Integral Review journal, and is on the editorial review board of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. He has published articles on developmental theory and meta-theory as they relate to wisdom skills, education, we-space practices, ethics, and epistemology.  He loves improvisational dance and contemplative movement.  More at and


United States

Terri is a partner of STAGES International, which creates programs based on the STAGES model. Terri holds MS degrees in Special Education and Spiritual direction with a Ph.D. in Integral Transformative Learning and Change.

Her interests lie in the living experiments of evolutionary human systems, levels of development from cradle to grave, and the interpenetration of human development and states.

Ordinariness continues to bring her home to the practical living, breathing appreciation of the simple things in life. We wake up every morning. We grow up quite naturally. We live through joys and sorrows. We grow old. Listening, gratitude, compassion, love, forgiveness, and generosity remain lifelong lessons that never seem to end.