Reinvent Yourself – Lead with Presence & Radiance

In this intensive and unique workshop, we’ll create our personal leadership fingerprint with the help of different models and systems. Integral Theory is the dance floor, some specific theatre and coaching practices are the music, and YOU are the ONE who will dance with what arises. No worries, there are no special leadership or dancing […]

Love: An experiential journey through teal.

This experiential journey of love combines embodied practice with the latest research on love that identifies key changes as we progress along our evolution of consciousness. Understanding our own cosmic address along the evolutionary line of conscious development allows for an increasing breadth of love experiences and the next evolutionary challenge and bliss to come. […]

Creating contact for a sustainable future

In any field of human interaction we want to influence and be influenced. If we don’t have access to or don’t want to use domination tools of influence, we need to use other methods. One powerful way is to establish contact with people. It might for example be people in your close relationships, colleagues at […]

Relating with Intimacy, Maturity, and Wholeness

What if tensions in relationship are invitations into a greater wholeness and degree of intimacy with self, other, and life itself, rather than a problem to be resolved?  “We may have this conflict because we need to recover our truer complexity.” – Robert Kegan In this workshop, we’ll practice in real time with relational tensions. […]

The Appreciator’s Method

The basis for the Appreciators’ Method is our understanding of appreciation: Appreciation starts with a clear view of “what is” and with the ability to recognize that we automatically focus on mistakes and weaknesses. It is willing to letting go of one’s own point of view and what it means to us personally. Appreciation is […]

The Grit, Grind, Glory & Grace of Daily Integral Practice

One of the most powerful and persistent ideas to emerge from the Integral movement is Integral Transformative Practice. In this workshop, we will go beyond the idea of ITP and anchor it in our collective experience. What does it take to get started, keep our practice going, and what are the fruits? Specific tools for […]

Integral Coaching in the Heart of Organizations

From 2018 to 2019 the German ministry for Education and Research mandated the imu Augsburg GmbH with the project KMUdigital in small and middle-sized manufacturing companies. In this project, we have developed the map “Digital Change” and with the e-learning platform we have designed, implemented and tested a course that enables you to build […]

Partner in Planetary Awakening: Follow Your Dreams

In this experiential workshop, we will learn how living our heartfelt dreams contributes to planetary awakening. What if the Universe planted your dreams in your heart to evolve itself? By cooperating with what calls your heart and embarking on your own hero’s journey, you are participating in planetary awakening. We will support each other in […]

Accelerating the Integral City in VUCA Times

If Integralists nested together in the same city, could we accelerate the emergence of the Integral City? Let’s conduct a little experiment to discern how to amplify our Integral contributions for and with each of the four integral voices of the city: citizens, civil society, business and public institutions. Whatever your Integral work, paid or […]

Aggression and the Shadow

Aggression is our driving energy. Without it we do not know what we want. The facets and range of aggression are vast and powerful but often unsettling. Suppressing this energy has resulted in shadow and inauthentic behaviour for many of us. In this workshop I will show you how this comes about by means of […]

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