What becomes possible? – An Embodied Vision.
Today’s biggest untapped resources (inner, outer, individual, and collective) are unlocked through inner work. In a world where it is virtually possible for everyone to enjoy of the previous highest human achievement of inner work at the beginning of their life, what becomes possible? As a 21 year-old living stably in some of the highest […]
The Heart of the Enneagram: An Integral approach
The Enneagram is a compelling psycho-spiritual universal model that guides us into understanding our deepest archetypal core and finding our higher meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, when studied superficially, it turns into a tool for classification, judgment, and a weapon we use to justify ourselves and attack others. In this visual and interactive session, we take […]
Mapping Your Shadow Crash: An Embodied Experience
In this workshop, Kim guides you on a brief deep dive into the developmental levels of your shadow. With intricate detail, Kim helps you untangle the driving passion of the soul from the survival drive of the shadow, leaving you more clear, alive, and authentic. This brief deep dive into your unknown self will help […]
Music 2.0: Comusication as AQAL social technology
Come and play in the musical ‘we’ space! As a pathway to greater social mindfulness, ‘comusication’, or attuned collaborative, communicative musical improvisation is an emerging practice of musicality that can engage participants and settings across developmental levels. It offers possibilities for connection for individuals ranging from pre-verbal/sensory stages, through developing individuation and dialogue, examining communication […]
What is integral to a worker?
I have been working with workers in 18 different factories, using only complexity/emergent approaches, deep democracy, theory of u, way of circle, art of hosting. Our work together walks around human rights and actually arrives to what is real and necessary in their lives. Our sessions have a flow, guiding us about human rights, also […]
Integral Meditation in Holoscendence
In this revolutionary breakthrough process, already tested with virtually thousands of people of different professional and cultural backgrounds, you will experientially learn how to use multiple dimensions of consciousness (including that of pristine primordial awareness) to foster Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up in an profoundly integral and viscerally-felt fashion. Integral Meditation […]
Integral Church
Integral Church is a network of communities actively building a religion of the future — one that embraces both science and spirit, history and mythology, nature and technology, contemplation and action. Integral Church is home for those who identify with more than one faith tradition as well as the “spiritual but not religious” or religiously […]
Integral Academy Students’ Gathering
A welcoming hour for the Hungarian Integral Academy students who come to IEC hosted by Bence Ganti and Ken Wilber to inspire the community to enter the global integral world. Integral Academy Hungary is one of the deepest Wilber based integral education systems on the planet that has been also helping to organize IEC-s from […]
Forgiveness Made Easy
Forgiveness is often misunderstood, sorely underused, yet is an essential integral life practice. Scientific studies confirm the multiple stress-reducing, wellbeing-enhancing benefits of forgiveness, but equally fascinating is our resistance to it and our reluctance to practice it. In this workshop, we’ll explore what forgiveness is, and arguably more importantly, what it isn’t. What are the […]
Authentic Living
Through meditations, live music, silent connecting, sense-based exercises & intimate dialogues, James will guide you with gentle precision towards realising who you really, REALLY are, on the deepest level. From that ‘place’ of clarity and openness, you will begin to acknowledge the unconscious fear-based patterns, self-beliefs and physical clenches that block you from expressing fully, […]