This session is an inquiry into how a Unitive Narrative calls us to awaken beyond individuals and organizations into our relationships within and among cities and their ecoregions.
We invite you to explore how Living Cities: Earth is creating the conditions for a mycelial web of inter and intra-connections arising when we practise Integral City’s Care-Ma Yoga. We invite you to share what happens when you notice how much you care for our Planet and then re-focus your care into Places, People and Person.
We will co-create an Interview Web and reflect on how we/you/I can amplify our/your/my senses of Aliveness where we/you/I live, with whom we/you/I are living and what we/you/I are doing. Let’s be curious if a sense of Cosmo-Localism ignites our 2nd Tier capacities to Think Cosmically, Feel Globally and Act Locally? Join our session and re-imagine the Integral City with wisdom from Marilyn Hamilton, Marina Demchenko, Indra Adnan, Jude Currivan.