Doletiontherapy is based on the fact, that every trauma, as little or as big as it is, virtually every experience, has an effect on the epigenicity of our DNA. Which has subsequently an effect on our thinking, on our emotions and on our physical well-being. Studies on transgenerational trauma inheritance show that this is also the mechanism trauma is inherited over generations.
Doletiontherapy combines various psychotherapeutic and systemic healing techniques with embodiment to feel the epigenetic reset of the past on both mind and body level.
The basis of this reset is an emotional curriculum vitae, to dive deep into the conscious and subconscious negativities of our lifespan, including the embryonic development. To work with transgenerational trauma, we use the marble race visualization, which allows us to address this efficiently back to the beginning of this game of life.
This is a one session therapy, with an intense but timeless journey back to our origin. Be curious how it works in detail. Be aware that healing and enlightenment does not have to be a protracted process. Be open for new ideas and solutions! Be ready for the now!