Growing Up and Waking Up with Poetry

IEC Conference: 2025

Poetry is a skillful means for changing consciousness. It can move in a flash from separation to union, from “I” to “We,” and back again into the interior individual. This workshop will take up the key tasks of Growing Up and Waking Up, employing Ken Wilber’s formulation of Eros–the movement towards the Godhead, the nondual–and Agape, the spontaneous overflow of that union into the human realm, embracing all states and stages. I’ll center the workshop on the great German-language poet Rainer Maria Rilke, who wrote, “Earth, isn’t it your dream to be invisible someday? What, if not transformation, is your urgent command?” –a perfect expression of the movement from the material to the subtle realm. I hope to add poetry from the great koan literature of the Chinese Zen tradition, with pointed instructions for the waking-up process. We’ll start with reading and discussing some of these poems as a group, then have quiet time for movement, meditation, and other creative responses which allow you to embody the poem. Then we’ll come together briefly to share the results.


United States

Born & raised in Chicago, U.S., Roberta Werdinger internally migrated to California in order to find herself. In the ensuing decades, she has found and then lost  herself many times, in the process uncovering new selves which she also lost, found, and re-designed. Shortly after completing a graduate degree in literature and creative writing, she lost her partner to cancer, and went to live on a mountaintop, learning the ways of nature and spirit as expressed by poetry. She then entered a Zen monastery and trained there for more than ten years, ordaining as a priest in 2000.

Since leaving the monastery “with gift-bearing hands,” she has made her home in rural Northern California, making her way as an English teacher, freelance writer, and editor. She has been a music programmer and served as Poet Laureate of Ukiah, California from 2018-21. She has facilitated groups with Integral Life online on Integral themes in literature.