Integrating Self, Shadow & System at Synergist

IEC Conference: 2025-pending
  1. The proportion of executive leaders at Synergist (Strategist/Transforming) seems to have stalled at <10% for almost 3 decades. Yet this level of leadership capacity or consciousness is essential to transcend VUCA and transform our business ecosystems to create a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world.
  2. We also understand that embodied leadership capacity at Synergist is an integration of the Interpenetrative Systemic Collective (O’Fallon). The Self identifies with the System having revealed and healed a few layers of egoic Shadow to transcend the personal and lean into the nature of systemic interactions.
  3. The systemic collective is leaning into its own evolution to transcend and include Amber and Orange in the uniquely evolving more organic human-centric Green and Teal organizational models.

Interestingly, my experience is indicating that fostering executive and enterprise evolution simultaneously through the senior executive leaders is liberating their organization’s latent human potential.


BRAKS, Antoinette Dr.

New Zealand

Antoinette Braks is a Master Executive Coach & Transformative Consultant who expedites later stage vertical development for leaders and organisations. She has recently completed a PhD in developmental psychology distilling her understanding of the spectrum stage shift and the dynamics of transformative coaching that effectively expedites that shift. Author of Transformative Executive Coaching in Leadership: The drivers and dynamics in later stage adult development (2020).