- The proportion of executive leaders at Synergist (Strategist/Transforming) seems to have stalled at <10% for almost 3 decades. Yet this level of leadership capacity or consciousness is essential to transcend VUCA and transform our business ecosystems to create a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world.
- We also understand that embodied leadership capacity at Synergist is an integration of the Interpenetrative Systemic Collective (O’Fallon). The Self identifies with the System having revealed and healed a few layers of egoic Shadow to transcend the personal and lean into the nature of systemic interactions.
- The systemic collective is leaning into its own evolution to transcend and include Amber and Orange in the uniquely evolving more organic human-centric Green and Teal organizational models.
Interestingly, my experience is indicating that fostering executive and enterprise evolution simultaneously through the senior executive leaders is liberating their organization’s latent human potential.