Lab for an Integral Gender Dialogue

IEC Conference: 2025

How can we understand sex & gender from an integral perspective?

Can we connect beyond the tensions and culture wars associated with gender, feminism, queerness?

Immerse yourself in a dynamic and hands-on lab where we explore the diversity and complexity of the topic through the lens of the integral AQAL model.

In a safe and inspiring space, we combine experiential exercises that make different perspectives on gender tangible with mindful dialogues to deepen our collective understanding. We will explore polarities, quadrants, and developmental stages to open new pathways for authentic and connective exchange.

From these insights we will strive to create a genuine and forward-looking gender dialogue.

FISMER, Raymond


Raymond’s special focus is on masculinity and gender relations. For 16 years his research into an integral understanding of gender development has resulted in several workshops, articles, lectures and a book on the development and future of masculinity (in German). For the last five years he has been working in the field of gender policy at the Bundesforum Männer in Berlin (German umbrella organisation for equality-oriented men’s policy). He is a long-standing board member of Integrales Forum, the hub for integrally-minded people in the German-speaking countries. Originally a physicist, his professional trajectory has gained him experiences in adult education, ecological engineering, NGO administration, personal coaching and couples counselling.