Make Clear Decisions

IEC Conference: cancelled

After a decade of EcoVillage crusading, I have returned to the basics of a life well-lived. RecognizIng the neurotic mix of angst and ambition inherent in the proclivity to understand and address the meta-crisis humanity faces, I invite us to let go of the sometimes self-sacrificing and sometimes self-aggrandizing aspects of this endeavor and simply live well.

This workshop will deliver a map of decisions. How we make them. What to consider. What’s driving us. It is a pragmatic dive into the core executive functioning of human existence. Grounded in the immediate and practical, it builds an easeful map of how we can get from where we are to where we want to be, for reasons that genuinely come from our deepest values.

It serves as a tool for waking up to what those operating values are, cleaning up in seeing the reality of how they’re impacting our lives, growing up in how we approach decisions, and showing up in how we serve through our expanded scope of consideration.

JOYCE, Nicholas

United States

Nicholas catalyzes thriving futures for people, projects, and organizations through the art of making clear decisions, thanks to an unconventional and international upbringing and lifestyle. 


Able to look at situations from multiple perspectives, he excels in creating clarity out of chaos and identifying root causes through whole systems thinking and an integral perspective. His ability to adapt and connect with an audience is one of his greatest assets as a highly motivated, multi-faceted individual who will stop at nothing to have a radically positive impact through his life.