Ibiza I.
May 28, Sunday
11:30 – 13:30
Budapest (CEST)

Shadow, Sex and Wisdom – Integral (Hero’s) Journey

IEC Conference: 2023

There are clear structures within the pathway of self development and towards awakening. The common aspect in all approaches is the confrontation with one’s shadows, the work with counter-sexual energies (Anima/Animus) and finally the deep dive into infinte wisdom, which often also is refered to as Non-Duality. This three sequences of shadow-work, integrating inner polarities, as well as the exploration and understanding of non-duality are found in all spiritual paths.

The framework of the so called monomyths (heros-, lovers- and wisdom-journey) from J.Campbell  in association with 12 Archetyps (C.Pearson) are not only a detailed map for personal development it also enables a deep contact and shift in our fundamental patterns and psyche. The combination of these profound models with the integral perspective is a sustainable pathway through the integral personal development and the key for a successful pathway to awakening.

FUCHS, Michael


Michael is committed to helping people identify and breakthrough the hidden challenges that hold them back from reaching their full potential in all areas of life. By utilizing deep awareness and reconnecting with the body, heart and mind he enables you to reorganize yourself and create a new mindset. His participants experience both immediate and long term shifts that include integrated life, fulfilling relationships, authentic personal power and a greater sense of inner peace and meaning.