Integrating Creative Mind-Body Healing Therapies

Ken Wilber articulates the differences between state and stages of consciousness when referencing the similarities and differences of a developmental approach to consciousness awakening with either mindfulness meditation and/or psychedelics. The transformational and healing approaches emphasize a slower method that engages spiritual and meditational pathways toward enlightened awakening vs faster techniques that more often are […]

The Shadow side of Shadow Work

Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm. Even the most perfect shadow practitioner perfectively executing the most perfect shadow practice can cause harm if they do not understand the shadow side of their shadow practice. In […]

Love, Relationship, and Flow

Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]

Psychotherapy, Spirituality and Shadow

Explore the complex adaptive system of Psychotherapy, Spirituality, and Shadow in this dynamic presentation. What are the differences, the similarities, and the complex interactive dynamics of these 3 pillars of consciousness? What role may Psychotherapy have in Spiritual development? What effects does Shadow have on the Spiritual life? How might Spirituality improve one’s Psychology? Explore […]

Transcending Purpose: Purposeless Meaning in Life

Novel research explored how two essential aspects of human experience relate to each other: (a) one’s stage of psychosocial maturity (operationalized through integral ego development stages), and (b) one’s conception and experience of meaning in their life. The study suggests that adults at postconventional stages of ego development experience and conceive of meaning-in-life in a […]

Doletiontherapy,a traumafriendly way of letting go

Doletiontherapy is based on the fact, that every trauma, as little or as big as it is, virtually every experience, has an effect on the epigenicity of our DNA. Which has subsequently an effect on our thinking, on our emotions and on our physical well-being. Studies on transgenerational trauma inheritance show that this is also […]

The joy of the shared journey while in therapy

I invite you to explore a way to set your consciousness to help with depth and celebration! The relational space is an important testing ground for our evolution of consciousness, and self-help relationships, such as therapy, are an opportunity to promote it. In a meeting of this style, one of the participants asks that his […]

Mapping Your Shadow Crash: An Embodied Experience

In this workshop, Kim guides you on a brief deep dive into the developmental levels of your shadow. With intricate detail, Kim helps you untangle the driving passion of the soul from the survival drive of the shadow, leaving you more clear, alive, and authentic. This brief deep dive into your unknown self will help […]

A Chain of Portals to the Self

Integral Wizard presents: “A Chain of Portals to the Self” Integral Wizard was literally born from love found in hell and could be seen as the unitive counterbalancing force of duality. The Chain of Portals contains the following with increasing amount of detail: The Truth (0): high causal beacon of clarity/ Source Knowledge/ “no-context”. The […]

Developing We-Space via Resonance Workshop

There are poignant moments when viewing a movie when there is a sequence where we feel both joy and sadness. Often times we hide these powerful feelings and turn away from our companion, fearing over-exposure. What if we do not turn away and allow these complex and potent feelings to settle into a resonance to […]

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