Mapping Your Shadow Crash: An Embodied Experience

In this workshop, Kim guides you on a brief deep dive into the developmental levels of your shadow. With intricate detail, Kim helps you untangle the driving passion of the soul from the survival drive of the shadow, leaving you more clear, alive, and authentic. This brief deep dive into your unknown self will help […]

The Shadow Side of Planetary Awakening:

We love individual awakening for the planet. We love planetary awakening for the individual. And we love collective awakening in general. But what is the shadow side of all this “awakening”? In this dynamic workshop, Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta team up once again to explore the science and mysticism of evolutionary awakening. But, of […]

Grief Ritual for Awakening and Spiritual Emergence

Awakening includes the process of individuation by which we evolve from a system, culture, stage or state into higher consciousness. This process includes the experience of loss, whether ego death, loss of relationships, beliefs, structures or ways of relating to the world. Loss is inherent in human development. Grief is a natural reaction to loss while also […]

Music 2.0: Conference comusication jam

I specialise in large-scale group musical interaction – and would love to offer this to the conference as a group energiser, if it fit the programme! Typically this could last 10-15 minutes (can be shorter if need be), and would be an interactive segment that would bring all of the delegates present into a brief […]

Music 2.0: Comusication as AQAL social technology

Come and play in the musical ‘we’ space! As a pathway to greater social mindfulness, ‘comusication’, or attuned collaborative, communicative musical improvisation is an emerging practice of musicality that can engage participants and settings across developmental levels. It offers possibilities for connection for individuals ranging from pre-verbal/sensory stages, through developing individuation and dialogue, examining communication […]

Sustainability Transformation for Planetary Health

The presentation defines sustainability transformation towards planetary health relying on an integral approach. To do so, it bridges non-western and Indigenous wisdom traditions with western literature. The argument is that it is critical to embed an approach in multiple ways of seeing, being, and doing. These must be guided by holistic views. It is hoped that […]

Ayahuasca – Stories of Experience

We will be telling our stories of our recent visits to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Within a week, up to 90 participants experience their “miracle”. This is brought about through four nights of ceremonies drinking Ayahuasca, a plant medicine served by Shamans coming from a 5000 year old lineage from the Amazon […]

What is integral to a worker?

I have been working with workers in 18 different factories, using only complexity/emergent approaches, deep democracy, theory of u, way of circle, art of hosting. Our work together walks around human rights and actually arrives to what is real and necessary in their lives. Our sessions have a flow, guiding us about human rights, also […]

Theory U and Presencing for an Integral World

Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer in the MIT Management Sloan School and co-founder of the Presencing Institute. He chairs the MIT IDEAS program for cross-sector innovation and introduced the concept of “presencing”—learning from the emerging future—in his bestselling books Theory U and Presence (the latter co-authored with P. Senge et al). He is co-author […]

Integral Church

Integral Church is a network of communities actively building a religion of the future — one that embraces both science and spirit, history and mythology, nature and technology, contemplation and action. Integral Church is home for those who identify with more than one faith tradition as well as the “spiritual but not religious” or religiously […]

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