Finding wholeness in addiction care
As a nurse working with people with addictions, I have long struggled to find my place in a system that has been created and evolved in response to the truth that addiction present a crisis, an out-of-control situation that is excruciating and devastating for the sense of the individual, others and the relational fabric of […]
Book Launch – The Cosmic Lens
Book Launch – The Cosmic Lens: A New Perspective for Thriving in a Disrupted World (Michiel Doorn, Dr. Birgit Viertlböck) Many people feel anxious about today’s barrage of alarming events (COVID, economy, inflation, supply chain risk, cultural, political, climate disruption, resource scarcities, war, etc.). Older people are wondering what world they are leaving behind for […]
I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)
Planet Dharma: Contemporary Enlightenment
This poster is for our spiritual community’s online platform, Planet Dharma. Since 2012 my partner, team, and I have pioneered virtual community with our spiritual teachings. These are grounded in Theravadin, Zen, and Himalayan Buddhism plus the Western Mysteries, combined with applied spiritual practices that are essential for stage development, such as Integral Theory, Fifth […]
Rewriting Your Story: Beyond Attachment Trauma
Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why we keep repeating one behavior or another in our relationships. How deep are these patterns and why are they so ingrained? Would you like to learn more about dysfunctional attachment styles that may have nothing to do with you but have been passed down through generations […]
Learn more about the Powerful Tool of Fasting
Connecting spiritually with your physical body is about honoring the sacred vessel that houses your spirit. Nourishing this “container” is essential for an integral human being. Fasting, though often overlooked, is a powerful practice that bridges the physical and spiritual realms. It offers numerous benefits: physically, it promotes detoxification, activates your stem cell production, resets […]
Neuromodulators and psychoactive substances
Neuromodulators are hormones that have a crucial influence on brain function. The most important are the four happy chemicals: dopamine which regulates motivation, serotonin responsible for satisfaction, endogenous opiates that control pain relief, and oxytocin, which creates loving connection. Most of the psychoactive substances are mind-altering agents that affect the function of neuromodulators, while some […]
Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities
Authentic human live-business Relationships in of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re going in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]
Integral Yoga Meditation
Integral Yoga Meditation is a spiritual path. It combines & integrates body, breath & spirit to a holistic way of practice. Asanas, mindful breathing, praṇayama, chanting, recitation, silent meditation, walking meditation, darśan are all part of its path. This integrative practice is the groundwork and preparation for yoga/ samādhi. In this morning workshop, we will […]
Integrate your body in your life
Katinka Sánchez is a cultural anthropologist, embodiment trainer and biography coach. 25 years of listening and experiencing with people, as well as her interest in the idea of an “anthropology of movement” that enables social change, has led to the development of the „KörperSinn“ method. This offers process- and resource-oriented learning paths to promote self-awareness […]