Cultivating Emergence
How are we cultivating—co-holding and curating—the embers within us all for transformation? The presentation draws on our collective experiences—20 years of Generating Transformative Change, Emergent Leadership and Integral Sustainability engagement. It features key lessons we’ve co-learnt, with many participants, as we are responding to our challenging times. The times mean embracing the unknown, the unwanted, […]
Integral Emergence
This workshop is an experiential dive into holding, catalyzing, and curating individual and collective emergence. We draw from 20 years of experience engaging with transformative learning and development in response to our challenging times. Inquiries include: what does it mean to embrace the unknown, the unwanted, and/or the impossible? How can we attune to ourselves, […]
The Heart of the Enneagram: An Integral approach
The Enneagram is a compelling psycho-spiritual universal model that guides us into understanding our deepest archetypal core and finding our higher meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, when studied superficially, it turns into a tool for classification, judgment, and a weapon we use to justify ourselves and attack others. In this visual and interactive session, we take […]
Mapping Your Shadow Crash: An Embodied Experience
In this workshop, Kim guides you on a brief deep dive into the developmental levels of your shadow. With intricate detail, Kim helps you untangle the driving passion of the soul from the survival drive of the shadow, leaving you more clear, alive, and authentic. This brief deep dive into your unknown self will help […]
The Shadow Side of Planetary Awakening:
We love individual awakening for the planet. We love planetary awakening for the individual. And we love collective awakening in general. But what is the shadow side of all this “awakening”? In this dynamic workshop, Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta team up once again to explore the science and mysticism of evolutionary awakening. But, of […]
The Spiritually Transformative Nature of Grief
Awakening includes the process of individuation by which we evolve from a system, culture, stage or state into higher consciousness. This process includes the experience of loss, whether ego death, loss of relationships, beliefs, structures or ways of relating to the world. Loss is inherent in human development. Grief is a natural reaction to loss while […]
Grief Ritual for Awakening and Spiritual Emergence
Awakening includes the process of individuation by which we evolve from a system, culture, stage or state into higher consciousness. This process includes the experience of loss, whether ego death, loss of relationships, beliefs, structures or ways of relating to the world. Loss is inherent in human development. Grief is a natural reaction to loss while also […]
Finding one’s own soul-centric climate action
Facing the climate crisis—intermeshed as it is with complex social, political and economic crises—can leave a person feeling incredibly small and ineffective in creating positive change. Such a large collective challenge like climate change—vast, complex, heavy, and reproduced by the systems in which we live—can feel simply overwhelming. Global warming can provoke feelings of with […]
Let’s Clear Ancestral Debts
In this workshop, you will learn about debts ie. debt karma, experience a group energy-clearing of debt patterns and have a chance to receive mini 1-1 session. Debt patterns manifest as unpleasant emotional intensities and unwanted events in your life. Debt karma is a specific type of vibration that originates from the victim game, the […]
A Perspective of Love
This paper discusses the possible problems in interpreting mettā (loving-kindness) as an objective energy that exists outside of consciousness. It is suggested that that interpretation may be a reification of loving-kindness. Understanding benevolence as empirically sensed energy might be a modern interpretation of an ancient concept. A scientific explanations of this concept, as something that […]