From Sucess to Significance – Integral Leadership

The world is at a tipping point. It is burning in so many ways – ecologically, economically, societally, spiritually etc. – and is becoming more and more polarized. Thus being able to tip in any direction at any point. We are in need of a new style of leadership which can tackle the challenges we […]

The contribution of integral theory

HOW CAN THE INTEGRAL WORLDVIEW HELP TO DEAL WITH THE ENORMOUS PROBLEMS ON THIS PLANET? I. To understand what is going on in terms of the colors Understanding helps to not going under, not becoming over whelmed One can stand under problems, stay grounded on the earth, that is what understanding is about II. To […]

4 Quadrants of Dragon Dreaming and Medicine Wheel

The Dragon Dreaming mandala holds enduring wisdom from the Purple era of the Australian Aborigines. Walking the mandala’s four quadrants can help us to see and meet ourselves and each other. It can reveal how we walk with differences in our communities, and how our natural differences have been shaped by our cultural contexts. The […]

Integral Regeneration

Since the awakening of the 1960s, people and projects around the world have been continuing to practice holistic forms of personal and collective development and new norms of the Interior and Exterior “We”. Currently, we are in a “next level” era of Integral awakening: in the synergy of Web3 leaders living and working with somatic, […]

Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World

Experiencing ourselves as an expression of life rather than a separate entity changes everything. Yet after the initial buzz wears off or just becomes normal, we become aware of the debris scattered in our inner landscape, our relationships and across the planet. We realise that the spiritual reality of unity is not enough to dispel […]

The heroine’s journey; women’s courage and voices

The Heroine’s Journey: Women’s Courage and Integral Voices. Using integrally-informed processes, we will explore women’s sense of self and their world. The Heroine’s Journey is an archetype that will serve as a background for exploring the unique perspectives of women. The focus of this workshop will be developing co-creative conversations to enhance the voice of […]

A Path To Wholeness: Women’s Authentic Leadership

This qualitative study provides a comprehensive understanding of how women experience authentic leadership throughout the stages of adult development, bridging Robert Kegan’s orders of consciousness and Terri O’Fallon’s STAGES. The current context is a culture deeply conflicted by women’s authority, where men and women, along with the gendered structure of most organizations, hold unconscious biases […]

Teal Org – How the Integral Map gets you there

The aim of this workshop is to develop a new understanding of how change can unfold in organizations and how impulses for sustainable change can be set. Participants learn about the benefit of the Integral Model for sustainable transformation. Through new personal experiences their perception is enhanced and they learn to set precise and purposeful […]

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