ALL My Relations- You Me We This

This short conscious movement workshop will provide a safe environment to explore relationship dynamics through the body. Are your relationships loving, compassionate and exciting?  OR are you repeating the same patterns over and over? Living in the past? Fearing intimacy? Getting stuck in dead ends? Is showing vulnerability a challenge? What are your relationship blind […]

Money and Spirituality: Integrating Wholeness

💰✨ How can money and spirituality coexist in a way that feels authentic and liberating? ✨💰 Money is often a tender topic, touching our deepest fears and hopes. In this interactive, heart-centered workshop, we’ll explore Clear Sky Center as a case study of integrating financial engagement with deep spiritual practice through Integral Theory’s four quadrants. […]

The Money Taboo- A Somatic Workshop About Survival

This is a mini movement workshop about money, the body and it’s greater meaning in our lives. We will explore and move with the energy of money and our long history to it. How would you describe your dance with money? Fluid, Fiery, Chaotic, Light, Still? What happens inside your body when you meet the […]

Bringing wholeness to politics with Deep Democracy

Deep Democracy is a powerful tool for addressing shadow dimensions in groups and the larger society. In this interactive workshop, I will first give a short introduction to the principles of a new, integral paradigm of doing politics. The first principle is about including more perspectives, especially the inner quadrants. Based on the work of […]

Zen & STAGES: A Journey of Development & Awakening

This workshop unites Eastern wisdom (Zen) with Western insights (Development). Development shows that with each stage, we’re “reborn,” bringing forth new hopes, fears, and understandings. Spirituality, on the other hand, reminds us that our primordial nature is unborn, undying, beyond concepts, and always accessible here and now. All sentient beings have needs and wants that […]

Integrating Creative Mind-Body Healing Therapies

Ken Wilber articulates the differences between state and stages of consciousness when referencing the similarities and differences of a developmental approach to consciousness awakening with either mindfulness meditation and/or psychedelics. The transformational and healing approaches emphasize a slower method that engages spiritual and meditational pathways toward enlightened awakening vs faster techniques that more often are […]

Becoming the Ground (in a world of chaos)

We grow in direct proportion to the amount of chaos we can sustain and dissipate.   Ilya Prigogine We live in times of increasing chaos – times that challenge our capacity to midwife the emergence of a new, convivial world. This active, engaging, & fun workshop will expand your embodied capacity to sustain and dissipate chaos. […]

We-Flow: A Transformative We-Space Experience

“What if We-Spaces held the key to true “Wholeness”? What if we could integrate daily life into each moment, while experiencing meaningful human connection?” Step into We-Flow: an expanded space that empowers you to focus on what matters most, right now! Join our SHOWING-UP Party and experience a playful, transformative workshop. Discover and experiment with […]

The First Company Built With an Integral We-Space

Discover how We-Flow guided the founders of a thriving company through an 18-month transformative journey. Grounded in We-Space principles, this process unlocked employee growth, fostered well-being, and delivered exceptional results. This interactive keynote highlights pivotal moments where We-Flow practices turned challenges into breakthroughs, including: Establishing a culture of psychological safety and collaboration. Integrating individual and […]

AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis

In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]

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