In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural collapses, aging infrastructure, insufficient housing, degrading environment and broken economies? We will share our research on “Now What” can we do about the Metacrisis? Gleaning from Integral and Living City practitioners, polymaths, cosmologists, transdisciplinarians and ecovillage realities we’ll consider if the fundamental cause of city Metacrisis might be a disconnection from our Soul? We’ll consider What is Soul Power? And how can the Beauty, Truth and Goodness in Integral/Living City frameworks AQtivate you to find wholeness in Person, People, Place and Planet to address the Metacrisis in our cities?