Silent Connections, Felt Expressions

IEC Conference: 2025-pending

This workshop is organised around the four principles of an unconference and allows for spontaneity and self-organisation:

  1. Whoever comes are the right people:  the participants presence is key to the success of the event.
  2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have:  acceptance of the outcomes of the discussions as the most possible given the circumstances.
  3. Whenever it starts is the right time: creativity and insights arise when they are ready, not according to a schedule.
  4. When it’s over, it’s over:  letting things conclude naturally when they have run their course.

They workshop reflects a philosophy of flexibility, openness, and trust in organic processes and a acknowledgement of our natural impuls to come together, connect and explore.

DU BUF, Paul

United Kingdom / Netherlands

Paul graduated as a registered nurse in 1994. He became a specialist addiction nurse in prevention, treatment, aftercare, dual diagnosis, training and innovation in addiction treatment services in the Netherlands and the UK. For his innovative NHS online recovery project, he received a clinical excellence award in 2011. He coordinated an NHS alcohol outreach pilot project in London, became an independent nurse prescriber and somatic practitioner with a specific interest in trauma to support his clients better. Paul is focused on transitioning addiction services become trauma-integrated which will benefit clients, staff and culture. He was awarded certification as a global nurse consultant by the international council of nurses and was an expert reviewer for the first universal nurses addiction curriculum. He published his first book in 2023 with the title “Shadow Dancing; embodied recovery for trauma and addictions”. He founded the ERA-Institute which stands for Embodied – Radical – Attunement and its mission is to create and support a cultural infrastructure that is trauma integrated. He currently lives and works in London as a nurse in a drug and alcohol community service.