Are we asking the right question?

What would Planetary Awakening 2.0 look like? Could it be that we are asking the wrong question? Could it be that the planet is already awake? All paths to awakening, inevitably reach a point where there is nothing to be “done”. And the realization that there was no “path” per se; that everything was and […]

Exploring True Prosperity

The dominant concept of prosperity is based on the illusion of separation, causing us to strive for our personal wellbeing through the accumulation of material wealth, usually to the detriment of our fellow humans and non-humans. Vivian has developed an alternative model of prosperity, which focuses on our true needs and is based on connection […]

Discover Your Purpose at Tier 2 Consciousness

Awakening planetary consciousness starts with individuals like you and me. It starts with awakening our purpose in life. But the question is: Do you know what your life purpose is now? And how does it need to evolve to bring about the kind of change necessary for this global shift in consciousness? Well, as you […]

The Six Dimensions of Purpose & Tier 2 Awakening

As you know, life is not one-dimensional, and neither is your purpose in life. In fact, it shows up in multiple dimensions as an integration of AQAL quadrants, levels, and lines of development. The Six Dimensions of Purpose is a framework for discovering purpose in life. When used with integral theory, it is a powerful […]

Social Permaculture: Integral Tools for Awakening

Permaculture is commonly known as integrated gardening/farming, as it has traditionally focused on “Earth Care.” Despite that focus on the “exterior,” permaculture was always meant to be a whole systems approach to sustainable living. In recent years “Social Permaculture” has been emerging, building on the social changes initiated in the 60s, and going beyond the […]

4 Quadrants of Dragon Dreaming and Medicine Wheel

The Dragon Dreaming mandala holds enduring wisdom from the Purple era of the Australian Aborigines. Walking the mandala’s four quadrants can help us to see and meet ourselves and each other. It can reveal how we walk with differences in our communities, and how our natural differences have been shaped by our cultural contexts. The […]

Integral Regeneration

Since the awakening of the 1960s, people and projects around the world have been continuing to practice holistic forms of personal and collective development and new norms of the Interior and Exterior “We”. Currently, we are in a “next level” era of Integral awakening: in the synergy of Web3 leaders living and working with somatic, […]

Integral Emergence

This workshop is an experiential dive into holding, catalyzing, and curating individual and collective emergence. We draw from 20 years of experience engaging with transformative learning and development in response to our challenging times. Inquiries include: what does it mean to embrace the unknown, the unwanted, and/or the impossible? How can we attune to ourselves, […]

Self as Instrument: A Workshop for Presenters

If you’re presenting this week and want to clear what’s in the way of showing up more freely, come to this workshop and leave it behind. Many people have fear about sharing their work, presenting, or speaking in public. Whether you have lots of experience at the front of the room or you are new […]

Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World

Experiencing ourselves as an expression of life rather than a separate entity changes everything. Yet after the initial buzz wears off or just becomes normal, we become aware of the debris scattered in our inner landscape, our relationships and across the planet. We realise that the spiritual reality of unity is not enough to dispel […]

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