Acting out of spiritual identities’ abundance
Spiritual, spiritual but not religious, multi-religious, trans-religious. What does the increasing abundance of identities demand from individuals, teachers, facilitators and settings to invite awakening? If we desire a more light-filled world, with more people awakened to their potential and generously distributing their gold, then diversity of religious and/or spiritual identities should consciously have room. An […]
Transformational Play – Secrets of Coherence
When set up correctly, play creates coherence quickly. Co-creative intelligence, healing and magic can then follow. Play is an important transformational tool to understand and practice. At its full potential it brings people beyond fear to trusting the unknown so they can grow. Collectively we develop the capacity to shift to the new being, the […]
Shadow, Sex and Wisdom – Integral (Hero’s) Journey
There are clear structures within the pathway of self development and towards awakening. The common aspect in all approaches is the confrontation with one’s shadows, the work with counter-sexual energies (Anima/Animus) and finally the deep dive into infinte wisdom, which often also is refered to as Non-Duality. This three sequences of shadow-work, integrating inner polarities, […]
Doletiontherapy,a traumafriendly way of letting go
Doletiontherapy is based on the fact, that every trauma, as little or as big as it is, virtually every experience, has an effect on the epigenicity of our DNA. Which has subsequently an effect on our thinking, on our emotions and on our physical well-being. Studies on transgenerational trauma inheritance show that this is also […]
Integrating Slow – the door of transitions
The spirit moves on the ladder. We move quickly in the world from one state to another, from role to role. The world demands fast, quick, or at least dynamic actions, and thoughts; feelings also seem to come and go at the speed of light. In my personal and professional experience, we live deeper in […]
Let’s flow:inducing flow states with neurofeedback
Flow is a pleasant high-performance state and improves life satisfaction, but few people access it consistently. This workshop will use EEG devices and neurofeedback to help participants enter flow.
Navigating through the topography of work
During the workshop, the participants will be provoked about the global changes in the context of work and the meta crisis by different perspectives and stages. It will also stimulate them to reflect on the results of the Topography of Work research (theme of the Keynote presentation) and their own experience of the meaning of […]
Flowing Through Life: Flow in Daily Living
This workshop on “Flow” is designed for individuals within the integral community who are interested in practical techniques to improve their ability to be in the right state at the right time. The workshop will explore the concept of Flow, a state of complete immersion in a task, where time seems to fly by and […]
Harmonious Universe: Music, Movement & Mindfulness
HARMONIOUS UNIVERSE is a mindful movement album written by Haley Dawn. After 15 years of bringing programs to young people internationally, Haley transformed her FLY curriculum into a musically led practice. Haley has led workshops & listening parties for humans of all ages to discover the deeper messages & meanings embedded in the music. She […]
Are we asking the right question?
What would Planetary Awakening 2.0 look like? Could it be that we are asking the wrong question? Could it be that the planet is already awake? All paths to awakening, inevitably reach a point where there is nothing to be “done”. And the realization that there was no “path” per se; that everything was and […]