Integral Coaching in the Heart of Organizations
From 2018 to 2019 the German ministry for Education and Research mandated the imu Augsburg GmbH with the project KMUdigital in small and middle-sized manufacturing companies. In this project, we have developed the map “Digital Change” and with the e-learning platform we have designed, implemented and tested a course that enables you to build […]
Teal Org – How the Integral Map gets you there
The aim of this workshop is to develop a new understanding of how change can unfold in organizations and how impulses for sustainable change can be set. Participants learn about the benefit of the Integral Model for sustainable transformation. Through new personal experiences their perception is enhanced and they learn to set precise and purposeful […]
Applied Shadow Work – Diaries of the Shadow Buster
Leading a shadow group can be very scary, very frustrating, very viscous and exhausting but also full of flow, love and even funny, despite the topics mostly being dark, tough and touching. What are the personal preconditions for a group leader, what are common pitfalls and what are good structures put in place? The presenter […]
myOS Brain Computer Interface for Meditation
Presentation and group demo of the myOS Brain Computer Interface for Progressive States of Consciousness. This presentation is a 10 min talk and 10 min artistic experience of the myOS neurofeedback meditation paradigm for one or more volunteers as well as for the entire audience. myOS is using measures of brain-activity (multi-channel EEG) and data-visulaizations […]