myOS Brain Computer Interface for Meditation

Presentation and group demo of the myOS Brain Computer Interface for Progressive States of Consciousness. This presentation is a 10 min talk and 10 min artistic experience of the myOS neurofeedback meditation paradigm for one or more volunteers as well as for the entire audience. myOS is using measures of brain-activity (multi-channel EEG) and data-visulaizations […]

Love: An experiential journey through teal.

This experiential journey of love combines embodied practice with the latest research on love that identifies key changes as we progress along our evolution of consciousness. Understanding our own cosmic address along the evolutionary line of conscious development allows for an increasing breadth of love experiences and the next evolutionary challenge and bliss to come. […]

Teal Org – How the Integral Map gets you there

The aim of this workshop is to develop a new understanding of how change can unfold in organizations and how impulses for sustainable change can be set. Participants learn about the benefit of the Integral Model for sustainable transformation. Through new personal experiences their perception is enhanced and they learn to set precise and purposeful […]

Relating with Intimacy, Maturity, and Wholeness

What if tensions in relationship are invitations into a greater wholeness and degree of intimacy with self, other, and life itself, rather than a problem to be resolved?  “We may have this conflict because we need to recover our truer complexity.” – Robert Kegan In this workshop, we’ll practice in real time with relational tensions. […]

Accelerating the Integral City in VUCA Times

If Integralists nested together in the same city, could we accelerate the emergence of the Integral City? Let’s conduct a little experiment to discern how to amplify our Integral contributions for and with each of the four integral voices of the city: citizens, civil society, business and public institutions. Whatever your Integral work, paid or […]

A Downside Up view of reality! Integral Africa!

The Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching is a way of facilitating deep transformative change & healing towards integration at a personal, group & structural level. Codified into various levels of programme work, the journeys of deep learning through consciousness practice & action for impact has enabled Paddy to influence the thinking & practice of […]

Becoming Integral in the Anthropocene

This paper descriptively examines the emergent poetics of planetary thinking that our age—the geological epoch of the Anthropocene—is calling forth in us, and how an integral ontology could help to enact them. First, I begin by grounding us in the phenomenological approach to integral philosophy offered through Jean Gebser (1905-1973), which helps us identify the […]

Seeds of wisdom

When you join us in this workshop, you bring your culture, your roots, your knowledge and experiences and all your unique qualities. We follow the core idea of integral theory and life here, to collect and spread all the treasures that human existence can offer: good energies, elevating ideas, positive emotions, joyous feelings, open-hearted attitudes, […]

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