Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending

Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]

Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy

In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]

Deconcentration in Integral Awareness Meditation

Deconcentration is a powerful contemplative technique first developed in the later period of consciousness research in USSR; it has correlations with both advanced shamatha-like and open-awareness states practiced in major meditative traditions. We have incorporated deconcentration as an essential part of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) as well as a useful tool for Integral Psychotherapy. Deconcentration, […]


I´d like to bring a poster that displays me two upcoming international retreats: WILD WISE WOMAN (La Palma Island) TOTAL LIBERATION Sahara Desert Retreat (Morocco)

ARCHETYPAL EMBODIMENT: Embody your wild true Self

In this workshop we will journey through at least 5 different archetypes: Lover, Warrior, Shamanic Healer, Magician, Sovereign (Queen/King) – and if we have enough time we might even invite Dark Goddess KALI, who acts as the fierce soul liberator for our highest potential. Archetypal Embodiment is a powerful tool to access deepest inner wisdom […]

NO MORE DRAMA: Break up with toxic family patterns

Since I was born there was always drama in our family – especially led by my mother, the main figure that raised me since my dad was mostly abroad due to work. Despite I got a lot of love from my mother, I also got emotionally abused by her and I could find myself in […]

Rewriting Your Story: Beyond Attachment Trauma

Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why we keep repeating one behavior or another in our relationships. How deep are these patterns and why are they so ingrained? Would you like to learn more about dysfunctional attachment styles that may have nothing to do with you but have been passed down through generations […]

Integrating Creative Mind-Body Healing Therapies

Ken Wilber articulates the differences between state and stages of consciousness when referencing the similarities and differences of a developmental approach to consciousness awakening with either mindfulness meditation and/or psychedelics. The transformational and healing approaches emphasize a slower method that engages spiritual and meditational pathways toward enlightened awakening vs faster techniques that more often are […]

The Shadow side of Shadow Work

Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm. Even the most perfect shadow practitioner perfectively executing the most perfect shadow practice can cause harm if they do not understand the shadow side of their shadow practice. In […]

Love, Relationship, and Flow

Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]

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