Integral Singles Events

Many integral singles yearn to be in a love relationship with an equal and opposite partner. Alas, we have very few opportunities to meet compatible 2nd tier people in our day to day lives. And if we do, they are often clients or patients that are off limits. So, there is no shame in having […]

Sex Purpose Love Workshop

Join our workshop for singles and couples. Introspect, practice, experience and share how you can realize your highest human potential through co-creating an Integral Love Relationship in all four quadrants at the level of your seven chakras with an equal and opposite partner who has the same rights and responsibilities by identifying and sharing your […]

Love: An experiential journey through teal.

This experiential journey of love combines embodied practice with the latest research on love that identifies key changes as we progress along our evolution of consciousness. Understanding our own cosmic address along the evolutionary line of conscious development allows for an increasing breadth of love experiences and the next evolutionary challenge and bliss to come. […]

Relating with Intimacy, Maturity, and Wholeness

What if tensions in relationship are invitations into a greater wholeness and degree of intimacy with self, other, and life itself, rather than a problem to be resolved?  “We may have this conflict because we need to recover our truer complexity.” – Robert Kegan In this workshop, we’ll practice in real time with relational tensions. […]

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