European Constellation IEC 2016: CONSTELLATION PROCESS IN GENERAL (Part 1)

European Constellation IEC 2016: CONSTELLATION PROCESS IN GENERAL (Part 1)

The European Constellation has been one of the most moving experiences of the IEC 2016 at Lake Balaton/Hungary. Therefore we – the constellation team with Bence Ganti, Barbara v. Meibom und Péter Kemény – will start a series of blogs which illustrate various aspects of the constellation. We start with an overview.


Our team consists of: 

Bence Ganti is Director of the Integral Academy, Hungary, and key organizer of the IEC in 2014 and 2016. Bence Ganti is an integrally oriented clinical psychologist, Vipassana meditator, internationally know speaker and teacher of the Integral Theory and inventor of the Integral Flow Therapy. He is a catalyst for deep emotional experiences and for transformational processes of persons, organizations and whole systems.;

Barbara v. Meibom is a former Univ. Prof. of Political and Communication Science and – based on a wide range of qualifications in humanistic and transpersonal approaches – she is a holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy. As director of Communio-Institute for the Art of Leadership in Berlin, she is dedicated to transformational processes on the micro-, meso- and macrolevel by training, teaching, coaching, lecturing and writing.

Peter Kemény is an Integral therapist, working both as a personal coach and facilitating group sessions. He specializes in family constellations, working not only with family patterns, but also on karmic and archetypical levels. During constellations, he also applies energy healing techniques.



Constellation in general:
A constellation process allows to represent the subconscious background reality by connecting with the “knowing field”. The representatives of different energies use their bodies as the language of the soul and express their feelings through movement in space (Constellation Rules).


European Constellation in 2016 consisted of four phases and lasted 4 hours.

  1. Phase: Babylon Creative Chaos: walk around in the room and speak in your own language, find your country / language.
  2. Phase: Formation of country groups and selection of a country representative. Follow your soul, not the mind; consciously embrace the ethnocentric layer of yourself; don’t bypass the ethnocentric; integrate your national identity consciously. The earlier in the ladder of development the more real we become (emotion). Question in the country process: “What was the moment when you were proud of your country?” (image, memory, feeling); “When were you the most ashamed of your country?” then sharing with the group. Find a representative of your group without words by pointing to the person you have chosen (List of Countries).
  3. Phase: Interaction on the European Level: Large open circle in the form of a mandala (sacred space) with four doorways according to cardinal directions, people forming the outer circle. A chair located in the middle for the representative of the soul of Europe who enters first. Constellation process in silence with representatives of the European countries and further 24 voluntary representatives of important energies (List of Energies) which are at stake in a European Healing Process.
  4. Phase: Connection to the Universal Level: Open Circle. Aim of phase 4 is to liberate people from all these categories and find the common denominator that expresses unity.


Were there IEC presentations you’d like to have the video or recordings and to visit other rooms where you couldn’t go?


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