Teal organisations’ gathering at IEC – cause for hope

TEAL organisations’ gathering at IEC – cause for hope

Join the gathering of the tribe of next-stage/Teal organisations!

When hundreds of people working for more soulful, more democratic organisations are converging for 5 days of connecting,learning,having fun together, and co-presencing the future of the next-stage/Teal organisations movement, then there is cause for hope. The movement is not only alive and kicking, but also gaining momentum every day as more and more companies, educational institutions, and even government agencies, start experimenting with new ways of working, everyday. You can learn more about all that if you visit our media hub, Enlivening Edge, and read the Highlights of EE’s Jan-Feb publishing cycle dedicated to the movements for next-stage organisations.

We will be journeying to this gathering from all over Europe, as well as from Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. What awaits you is a rich program of workshops, meetings, and entertainment that we hope you will join and enjoy. Teal all throughout the conference 22-27th May, every day. Below are some highlights from the program:

Join us for the pre-conference day (Tuesday, May 22)

During the morning of the 22nd, you can participate in workshops about:

  • The For-Purpose Enterprise and its practices that go beyond self-organising the work to upgrade our legal and people systems, and achieve greater wholeness and integration.
  • How applying adult developmental knowledge with Internet sourcing and organisational culture measures can help reinvent recruiting to connect people with organizations through a shared purpose and meaning!

Your three treats in the afternoon of the 22nd are:

  • Embodying Teal resilience
  • Envisioning Teal organisations through the lens of Appreciative Inquiry
  • Experiencing the power of Transformative Communities of Practice as an evolutionary force, with Aftab Omer, President of Meridian University and George Pór, Teal Mentor and Founder of Enlivening Edge.


Teal Organisations track plenary (Wednesday, May 23)

You will certainly not want to miss the first jewel of the Teal Track, the plenary that will open it, the morning of the 23rd. There, we will start getting to know each other, engage in action research, form communities of practice, pick of the first issue of Next Stage News (a special conference daily produced by Enlivening Edge), join the team of citizen reporters interviewing attendees, and much more…


A taste of what is cooking

Here are just a few delicious dishes from the main program, which you can not only consume, but also make even more delicious by spicing them up with your presence in our global ”Teal kitchen:”

  • Sociocracy and self-management
  • Holacracy for beginners, experts, and anywhere in between
  • mapping your way to Teal
  • transformative listening
  • an interactive, visual map of the Teal ecosystem
  • embodied knowing
  • living research into the organisation of the future
  • surfing the edge of the movement
  • wellbeing teams bringing Teal to healthcare

Speaking of the metaphoric “Teal kitchen,” let’s not forget about IEC’s traditional and super-fun outdoors Gulyás Party dinner followed by live music and local dances, on Saturday, May 26.

Embodying Teal in our track

Commitment to evolutionary purpose
The primary motivation of the Teal track’s creators is to enable as many experiences of deep learning and valuable new relationship as possible. Our ultimate commitment is to the track’s purpose to ignite a new booster of the next-stage/Teal movement by helping it become more visible to itself so that synergies can emerge from the interactions of its parts.

Emphasis on wholeness
This will be a place where our ‘whole person’ can show up, play, learn, and work with others in ways that welcome and respect the emotional, intuitive, intellectual, and spiritual selves of each of us.

Preference for self-management
Whilst a big part of the program is pre-crafted, there will be room for the formation of self-managing communities of practice and invitations to individual initiatives.

With Love,
The IEC team



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