This talk will share my personal journey as Holacracy’s founder, exploring the depths of sovereignty and empowerment possible in self & system for over 20 years, until… something unexpected happened.
Over the next 5 years, that something (along with a lot of psychedelics) catalyzed more inner transformation than I’ve ever experienced before, and ultimately led me down an entirely new life path: building a psychedelic church that’s pioneering a new kind of journey style, and nurturing a new kind of community and collective field – one with a very different ground and norming function than I’ve experienced before, and which is having an impact on those it touches that’s possibly the most awe-inspiring thing I’ve ever seen.
Come hear about my path from the depths of sovereignty into the depths of Love, and about the “communal journey” style we’ve pioneered at Ledgeway Sangha: a casual, open, and social container like a typical recreational approach, but where the invitation is not just to come and have fun, but to come be of service to each other in the present moment, to practice loving and being loved more fully, and ultimately, to practice releasing judgments and resistances until we’re just being love together, resting in loving acceptance of all that is.